Hey guys this is my first time on here and first time posting here so i hope you like my map. The Map is a symmetrical based for 2 - 10 players ,teams Red Vs Blue. IThe map has an areana which i got the idea off from halo 3's gaurdian but the rest is different. The map is quite small for competitiveness and has 4 main parts. -Team bases -Areana -Lower Areana -Side bases Here are some pics http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/FileDetails.aspx?fid=7257544&player=x% 207Mason7%20x Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details These show the Areana , Lower Areana and an Overview. YouTube - Halo reach forge: Masset Here is the youtube video. And then here is the map itself Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details Photobucket link - Pictures by x7Mason7x - Photobucket Well i hope you like them Thanks - Mason
Embedded picture/video that gives you a clear view of the map. Please improve the post quality with photobucket/imageshack etc. Honestly, almost no one wants to click a link to see your map. Please bring your post up to standards.
Sorry its my first post, also i dont have a photobucket account , but ill post a link of a youtube vid shortly , im sorry that its too hard to simply click view in High res.
Much too small. Considering file limits not many people want to waste slots on maps that aren't either versatile or extremely fun or innovative. There is also virtually no aesthetics whatsoever. It's just a link, it's not like he's sending you to an in-game forge clip you need to download. Also I see no legitimate reason for your text to be cyan.