Nope. My Xbox died while I was still playing it, and once I got it back from repairs, I've been playing Halo non-stop. Oh well, I'll beat it eventually.
I'm halfway through my second playthrough of it...the extra content came out when I was on Noveria, so because I haven't really had the time to complete that mission, I wasn't really able to get to it. Haven't had a whole lot of time for gaming lately, though that will soon change. And that does include side missions. Mass Effect is one of my favorite games, both for the amazing storyline and the fact that it plays like KOTOR on PCP. Incidentally, I want to destroy whoever got the idea for the "Mass Effect Sexbox" controversy at faux news. I would not shed a tear if I saw that sorry excuse for a 'journalist' begging for scraps on the street.
meh, mass effect wasn't that good. KOTOR was a lot better and had way more sidequests. Mass effect had all the same sidequests: you go in to save somebody's life and when you get there, they're either already dead or have been turned into zombies. theres only one major city and its only as big as lockout with like 8 quests. And the worst thing was that they didn't have anymore stims like they used to in KOTOR. stims were the was a waste of my money
I beat the game but the side quests like finding planets for resourses are getting annoying. They take too long. The game is still good.
I don't even think I'm an eighth through the game. I originally bought it and my friends got into it more than I did. They told me it was long too...