Holy balls holy balls the teaser to the sequel to one of the greatest games I have ever experienced... Click here for the teaser trailer And ****, I did not expect that in the teaser; discuss?
My theory is that the Alliance is getting a Geth as a team member; and I say this because the Geth in that trailer has the N7 logo.
WUT. Sure the combat was a bit iffy but man it was a quality game. The storyline and dialogue are splendid.
hmm, i think it is that this Geth has killed shephard and is wearing his suit or geth are in some way connected with the spectres, or maybe this geth works for them. Still a classy CG trailer so EA are working their flare on presentation, thats a plus.
Shepard? KIA? Impossible! That said, I'd liek the ability to choose which protagonist you play as. I loved Garrus in ME1.
****ing jizzed in my pants dood. I'm the biggest bioware nerd ever, this leaves so many openings and so many twists. It's also a clever way to start a game anew, earning respect since you're "dead" And I think that's how they will play it as.
I've never played the original Mass Effect, but you guys seem hyped about it. The teaser was cool. I will look into it, when more info comes out about it.
Guys, this game will be epic. They managed to make SONIC into a good RPG, even in the time of: (*bricked*) Imagine what they can do with a decent franchise!
Go rent the first one noa! Seriously, it would be a shame to play the second without the first, you'll probably be very confused.
Well if he really is KIA it neatly gets around the whole "hmm, we've given him a bunch of abilities, different depending on player's gaming styles. How do we fairly represent that character in the sequel and, if he's the player character, come up with a whole 40 more levels of upgrades for him?!?!?!?" "Oh I know, just kill him off. Sorted" It's like Deus Ex all over again! But hopefully without the fail.