Mass Effect 1 & 2 discussion

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Camel Carcass, Jan 16, 2010.

  1. Katanga

    Katanga Ancient
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    Wow. What a game. I actually went back 1 hour to ensure I survived alogn with my crew, and I got my 50g for
    shaggin' Tali. Even though she gets a lolable cold. Still, better that than herpes.
    I thought the last addition to your squad is the most epic decision Bioware ever made. He's so useful, and hilarious.
    Also, is Harbinger the Reaper seen on Shep's schematic at the end, as well the one leading that pant-wetting fleet to earth?
  2. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    ME2 just came in. Personally I was never a fan of the first, with a mix of watered-down shooter and watered-down RPG, and a good story and characters, as should be expected of Bioware.

    This one feels like more of the same. They seem to have simplified the RPG even more, and focused almost entirely on story and characters. Still looks to be entertaining, though.
  3. Katanga

    Katanga Ancient
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    Oh, and I forgot to mention. Anybody else think the Purgatory escape mission would work so well as a Halo map?
  4. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    I have him, I just forgot to mention him.
  5. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    im on suicide mission
    need mo' cash
    didnt get all weapon/tech upgrades

    but should be enough to stop everyone from dying.
  6. Dreaddraco2

    Dreaddraco2 Ancient
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    Nearly Explored all of the galaxy, minus any star chart systems.

    Any advice on finding star charts?
    #126 Dreaddraco2, Feb 4, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2010
  7. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Finished the game yesterday with only one of my squad member dead which isn't to bad considering what I've been hearing. Though, I know I can do better so I'm going to replay to make sure they all survive. I had nearly every tech upgrade and weapon addition. The only weapon that wasn't fully upgraded was my shotgun that I didn't really care for. Everything else I had was fully upgraded and also all my squad members was loyal so I know that couldn't have been a factor in Mordin dieing defending the place.
  9. Dreaddraco2

    Dreaddraco2 Ancient
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    The Mass Effect wiki (the general one, not the specific ME2 one) says that only if you do certain characters for certain squads of that mission, will they not die. They've got a new wikiwalkthrough for ME2.
  10. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    Apparently, Mordin's been dying in many peoples' playthroughs for seemingly no reason. To make sure he survives, you can just send him as the escort for your captured crew (provided he is loyal), or you can do what I did and just keep him in your squad the entire time.

    Mordin is probably my favorite squad mate in terms of back story, personality, and the way his loyalty mission/work on the genophage plays out. His powers are also pretty good for getting you out of a bind in a moment's notice.

    He's just an all around awesome character, and I made sure he didn't kick the bucket.
  11. Randle Scandal

    Randle Scandal Ancient
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    Just beat it now, I've been treading very carefully the whole game I wanted to make sure all my team survives, because I had the disadvantage of having to play a game without loading a previous save (apparently I was mid-game for all my saves in the first one ><). I was very happy when I was able to save my whole team, since everyone had such a unique and interesting personality, as well as that achievement was hefty, and one that I gladly earned.

    My favorite character was Thane throughout the game, I liked his power set-up as well as his character in general. I don't feel he was emphasized enough, and I'm hoping he returns in the 3rd to kick ass and take names. Also we need more Drell, their memory thing could come in handy for side missions but they never really did anything about it, I was disappointed in how Thane's quest turned out to be more family oriented than following the Drell's strange memory.

    And for anyone looking to complete it, you can have a few members that are not loyal. I had Jack and Legion, and they still came out alive, you just have to remember to use their opposite for the parts of the last missions, if you use them, I'm pretty sure someone will die.

    All together, I think I'm going to finish a game on my original Mass Effect, preferably an Adept since it was way too much fun playing as an adept in the second. I would try other classes but Tech classes always bored me, and the special power of the Vanguard doesn't seem to really make his character stand out, like it did in the first.
  12. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    i liked thane too.
    the characters are so much more interesting this time around.

    although liara's just as crap as ever.
    garrus, jacob and thane were the coolest
    grunt's ok

    now playing on insanity


    which is insanely hard
  13. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
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    I just beat this today. It was amazing. I survived but some of my squadmates died. Do you have to have all of their upgrades for them to service or something?
  14. Dreaddraco2

    Dreaddraco2 Ancient
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    You need most of the upgrades and Loyals for them to survive, I think if you don't do it perfectly at least one will die.
  15. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    Damnit. Every time I have the money I lose it. I want Mass Effect so bad, but it seems that it won't be anytime soon. All my other games are so boring now.

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    I loaded up a save right before the final mission yesterday and made sure I kept Mordin in my squad as to make sure he doesn't die. Like I said, I had all my members loyal and nearly every weapon upgrade besides the shotgun which I didn't care for and thankfully after all that no one died and grabbed me a nice 75 Gamerscore.
  17. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    During most firefights, does anyone else not revive their squadmates when they die? I usually don't revive them because in most fights it's easier for me to just pick off the enemies without worrying about interference from my allies or something.
  18. Randle Scandal

    Randle Scandal Ancient
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    Depending on the situation yes and no, I revive Mordin a lot because his incinerate is very useful against Scions who are a big pain in the ass. Otherwise I'll let them remain dormant unless I'm getting overly flanked by enemies and need some extra cover.
  19. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    My only remaining achievement in this game is finishing it on Insanity, which I should accomplish today. Insanity as an Infiltrator is way, way easier than Hardcore as a Vanguard, leading me to conclude that Vanguards are only useful if you're playing on a low difficulty where shotgunning is viable. On Hardcore and Insanity, every single enemy including the husks has some kind of armor or shielding, so the Vanguard's pull and shockwave abilities are trash. You really need those biotic/tech damage powers to cut through shielding, and then if you still feel the need there are several allies with powers to throw enemies around, you don't need those powers yourself.

    Yeah, I like this game alot.

    Anyone tried to see the most allies they could get killed? On my hardcore playthrough(took about 8 hours) I was rushing and not upgrading anything my main character didn't use, only did one or two loyalty missions because I had to do something while waiting for the Collecter ship and IFF missions to trigger. I only lost 7 guys, plus my entire crew, and I feel like I could've lost more if I had done other side missions instead of loyalty missions to trigger the story.

    Also, if you haven't recruited Morinth yet, do it, she kicks Collector ass. You have to have a pretty high paragon/renegade score going into Samara's loyalty mission and you can get Morinth to join your crew instead of killing her.
    #139 Ladnil, Feb 6, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2010
  20. Dreaddraco2

    Dreaddraco2 Ancient
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    The highest damage in the shortest time with the safest attack and the longest range is definitely cloaked sniper. Who here HASN'T tried cloaked sniper? If you do assassin's cloak, you get even more of a damage bonus from shooting from cloak.

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