id rather see this on the front page than any other map i can think of. Theres plenty of them that should be on it, but this one is the best ive seen in a loooong time.
Very, very true. If it happens it may be the quickest feature in a while, seeing as how it was only posted 5 days ago.
yeah i know 125 posts in 5 days is pretty good. Blazes maps, well most if them are great and deserve a feature.
Iv0rY, I love all your maps, but I don't understand your though process, it's not a bad thing, it's rather, a good thing. It's very interesting in all over design, and you put a lot of thought into everything. Good job once again.
with that mistake, and the one on the top of the page, me thinks this went up as a feature earlier for a half sec.
maybe... hmmm.. that would be cool. but i woulda cried after it got taken off. hahaha. im never goin to get a damn feature. lol
ha. well i figured if curbstomp or bayonetwork didnt get featured already im not sure it will..... but im hopeing *crosses fingers* b/c that would be amazing. do you think thesilencebroken was right? WIAT! reviewing my comments which i didnt see... hahaha im a dumb ass. i see that is was there... im glad i didnt see it id hav been sohappy then my mood had dropped... lol. but whatev. ...still confused..
BLAZE! i broke the map... theres only one weak spot that is breakable because everything else has boxes up to the barrier. anyway, you know the side of foundry with the windows and then that upper lip juts out? you left a spot right where someone can fit. but it's not easy getting up there... it takes a perfect combination of a grenade and grav hammer jump... it's an easy fix, but it's nothing to big to worry about.
i am still playing this even thought i DL it like 2 weeks ago also i people always ask me ohh is this your map and i say no i cant forge like this way to good, i hope this gets featured i will be really happy
yea, i really like the way you have everything new and interesting, like teh structures, but not too much of it that you feel chocked, and the map has a few clear shots, from one side to the other, it really helped gameplay, and made the 3 snipers on the map more balanced. but at the same time the map is close quarters enough that you can have a good cqb, and at the same time, make the sniping harder too. its good that you added a few interesting aesthetics like in picture 5 with the fence wall going down, and the wall going up, i dont think that anyone will ever be able to shoot through there but it looks nice. 5/5