Martyr(link) "An individual who sacrifices his or her life in order to further a cause or belief for others."Plays well with these gametypes: Team Slayer Team Oddball Team KotH Infection Martyr is a suitable-sized map for 4v4 or BTB games, with big open spaces & many cover spots. I made this map a while ago, actually, although it took forever to put it up here on Forge Hub because I kept re-editing it. The reason the map is called Martyr? You'll see in one of the pictures. But for now, here's the weapons list: Weapons List: Weapon----------------------------# on map/ Total---------------------Respawn Rate * denotes a weapon that appears in symmetric games only BR-------------------------------------------6/14------------------------------10 or 20 sec. Sniper Rifle---------------------------------2/3-----------------------------60 or 150 sec. Plasma Pistol-------------------------------2/4--------------------------------------30 sec. Plasma Rifle--------------------------------4/8--------------------------------------30 sec. Rocket Launcher--------------------------2/2------------------------------------120 sec. Covenant Carbine-------------------------4/8------------------------------10 or 20 sec. Mauler---------------------------------------2/4--------------------------------------45 sec. MGT*----------------------------------------2/2------------------------------------150 sec. Missile Pod*--------------------------------1/1------------------------------------180 sec. Frag Grenade-------------------------------6/16------------------------------------10 sec. Plasma Grenade---------------------------8/18------------------------------------10 sec. Incendiary Bomb---------------------------2/4-------------------------------------20 sec. Bubble Shield-------------------------------1/2-----------------------------------150 sec. Trip Mine------------------------------------2/2-----------------------------------150 sec. Deployable Cover--------------------------2/4-------------------------------------60 sec. Overshield*----------------------------------1/1-----------------------------------180 sec. Chopper*-------------------------------------1/1-----------------------------------150 sec. Ghost*----------------------------------------2/2-----------------------------------120 sec. Mongoose------------------------------------4/4-------------------------------------90 sec. Pictures + ACTION SHOTS The layout of Martyr. The Red Side. The Blue Side. The hole in the middle of the map is open for 180 seconds. Until then, drop down... ...& become the Martyr. A Reciever flings you to this isolated area in the Sky-Bubble, where you can snipe anyone... ...but expect to be shot back at yourself. The Chopper spawn. Very little cover around here, so to get to the Chopper without a fight is a reward. The Missile Pod spawn. As I played this map with friends, I found out that this area gained no attention, so use this to your advantage to flank the enemy in Slayer or KotH. Now a look at some of the useful structures of Martyr... After the Martyr Hole closes up, go to this Hut for the primary Sniper Rifle spawn. The MG Tower. Each side has one, but they can't shoot back at each other due to obstructions. In the Half Walls below spawn the Mauler. Outside of each base is a Small Post, that houses excellent cover & a Carbine. Linked by a bridge from each base is a Multi-Level Outpost. Up top is good for a larger view with BR's or Sniper Rifles... ...while below is a window excellent for using the Rocket Launcher, or a BR if you don't have one. The Rocket Spire. Obviously, where the Sniper Rifle spawns(?). This odd structure is called the Scorpion. Jump in to find a Man-Cannon that takes you... the Overshield, & a pretty nice perch to have a Rocket or Sniper. ACTION!! Shots: The Mauler is a much better weapon than you make it out to be on this map. One-man rushes are NEVER a good idea. Trust me; Red dies, even though he has a Rocket Launcher. The Turrets, if mounted, are invaluable in keeping control of the middle &, ultimately, the Martyr Hole. On this map, the Ghost is master of the rush because it can manuver through tight corners (which are everywhere on Martyr.) & cut through your enemies ranks in seconds. Well, here you have it! Out of all my Slayer maps, this is probably the most fun for 4v4 or higher, so when/if you get this map, try & get a party of 8 or more. On Infection, the entire middle area between the Obselisks is blocked off by a Kill Ball, so no cheap Martyr camping up above the map. Also, the more powerful weapons disappear (Check the Weapons List to see which ones will no appear in Infection.) If you want me to join in your game, & you're playing Martyr (or any of my other maps), invite my gamertag il uragano 3493. Hope you like it, & please comment. The more you like it, the more likely I'll make a 2nd version! ill give a very good comment edit: lol i accidently pressed enter before writing the rest ok: well this maps layout is very original but it is also very sloppy with not that much interlocking. if u interlocked more and made the map cleaner this map could be a lot better. i like the use of different things in your map: the lift and the sniper post above it. sniper post: i like this idea and it is very original but is also sortof like run for cover. however this spot seems like itd be over kill and i would suggest moving it to one side of the map and inside the first level but floating. also making it look better(the platform). i also like how u made it so after 180 secs you cant go there anymore. cons: makes it seem like a custom game weapon placement: a chopper in the middle? i would either get rid of that and exchange it with a banshee or hornet or move it to a base along with a warthog and mongooses and make this a big team map. also the missle pod on the other side middle? i would either put one at each base or exchange it with rockets laser or active camo or overshields. overall it look like it is a very well made map with a lot of nice ideas but also a lot of potential where you can improve upon it overall: 3.5/5
There was a Banshee there before, but it was too overpowering, even with Rockets & a Missile Pod. After the first dozen tests 5 weeks ago, I stopped working on this map & redid it only yesterday, so technically it's brand new.