
Discussion in 'Halo 4 Archive' started by CaveatEmptor MM, Feb 26, 2013.

  1. CaveatEmptor MM

    CaveatEmptor MM Promethean

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    By CaveatEMptor MM
    Alias MadMax​



    As my first entry on Forgehub i want to present you Martyr.

    I’m also considering this Map for the FFA Contest by „Certain Affinity“
    So i need your help Forgehub Community to eliminate eventual issues and give it a final Polish

    So let me hear your Feedback,

    .....all of it​


    Martyr was designed as a symmetrical 4v4 map but plays great in FFA too.
    While the Bases are a good defendable spot, pink and Green tower are curcial for map control.
    The center of the map is quite open but offers many ways and jumps to the top.

    You’ll notice, that the architecture is inspired alot by Halo 3’s „Heretic“ but i incorporated my own Mapdesign into it. For example „the Pit“ like Overshield tunnel who serves as a great flank.

    I Recommend to play that map with up to 4 – 8 Players Team or FFA.​

    Martyr supports:

    • all Slayer variants,
    • King of the HiLL ,
    • Oddball,
    • Capture the Flag,
    • Extraction

    My favorite gametypes are slayer and oddball.

    Inital Ordnance:

    • Overshield 1x / 180s (Bottom Pink)
    • Railgun 1x / 180s (Top Pink)
    • Shotgun 1x / 180s (Bottom Mid)
    • Energy Sword 1x / 180s (Top Mid)
    • Sinperrifle 1x/ 180s (Top Green)

    Weapons on map:

    • Dmr 1x
    • BR 4x
    • Carbine 2x
    • Needler 1x
    • Frag Grenades 4x
    • Plasma Grenades 4x







    Subject to Change

    • - Map feels sometimes too open,
      maybe add cover to the center or make the map overall smaller ?
    • - Too many powerweapons ? maybe deleting energy sword ?
    • - Aestetics, maybe youve got some tips for me ;)


    Overall im very proud of this map, Especially the many „TacJUmps“ that are build in there. I really enjoyed forging.
    it took me al long time to forge something of a certain quality that is worth to be posted here.

    I still got alot to learn, but big things have small beginnings ;)

    Enjoy your stay and give me feedback!


    #1 CaveatEmptor MM, Feb 26, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 26, 2013
  2. Nudl9

    Nudl9 Promethean

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    Map seems fine, pretty good structuring. Lots of different hightlevels and tacjumps based on the screens, which makes for interesting gameplay. I find the scenery a bit of an eyesore with lots of conflicting color schemes: Grey, white, black, blue windows and top of that multiple team colored sections. Don't do multiple team colored sections unless there's a fine line between each area like in the forge map Scythe. I know it's often for making easy callouts, but it's better to make a map with defining areas instead.

    I would try out your own suggestion with less weapons. The way i see it: "less is more" often applies to Forge maps and makes weapon control more interesting.
  3. CaveatEmptor MM

    CaveatEmptor MM Promethean

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    Thanks for your feedback, i'll consider that in the final version.
  4. CrafiestBeef

    CrafiestBeef Ancient
    Senior Member

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    To me it looks too open in the center, but that's just from the pictures. Maybe put a central support for that middle bridge and it'll make it better. Just a thought
  5. CaveatEmptor MM

    CaveatEmptor MM Promethean

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    With the Filebrowser now working for me i updated the screenshots for your eyepleasure.
    Keep the feedback coming !
  6. esc1

    esc1 Promethean

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    Looking at screenshot 3 I can tell your bases on the left and right are not the same height as one is above the big window wall and the other is below.. I'm not sure how I feel about the window walls extending beyond the playable area. It's just not aesthetic.

    Cool looking map otherwise though. Good luck making it into mm.
    #6 esc1, Feb 27, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2013
  7. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
    Senior Member

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    Welcome to Forgehub.

    Have you checked for split-screen framerate? I've found that circular objects tend to be intensive..
  8. CaveatEmptor MM

    CaveatEmptor MM Promethean

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    So far the map runs smoothly with up to 8 players and splitscreen. Ive got about 2500 Budget left.

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