Description: Here are two maps that are remade from mario party 8's mini game selection. These maps are Paint Misbehavein and Snow way out. If you know these games youll know that snow way out is a last man standing deal and I've changed paint misbehaveing a little bit to be the same. They are both on avalanche. Snow Way Out There are 5 Rounds Zombie Traits: Invaulnerable Can pick up grenades Has no grenades Has an energy sword (Dosent do any thing) 1 point per kill Human Traits: 150% Shields (takes 2 grenades to kill) 150% Gravity 75% Speed Has an energy sword (still wont do any thing) 1 life per Round Last man gets 3 points when killed if he jumps off only 2 points Pics Real Game [/URL] Over View [/URL] Humans have one deployable cover and one only use it wisely! DOWNLOAD MAP DOWNLOAD GAME Paint Misbehaveing There are 10 rounds. Your goal is to kill al of the other players. 4 players are recomended but you can play teams. Gametype Weapon Plasma pistol 90% Health Team Slayer Enabled 75% Speed 150% Gravity PICS Real Game [/URL] Overview [/URL] First Person View [/URL] Its HECTEC DOWNLOAD MAP DOWNLOAD GAME ENJOY
Wow, these really does remind me of the real games and those games were a lot of fun. In the first game, how do you keep the humans from simply walking off the level. From the pics it looks like it isn't up against the edge of the cliff but I could be wrong. I play the second game but I don't really see how it resembles it that much. You try to shoot the Goomba's in the game and in this one they look to shoot each other. I don't know. You definitely got my download for both maps just because it looks like a bunch of fun. Right now they both get 4.5/5 but that could change depending on how much fun it is. Chow!
I Know that you were supposed to paint the little goombas but that wouldnt be fun unless you had a full party so I changed it up to last man wins
thats extremely creative ive never thought about making a mario party on halo 3 andit also looks like great fun. i can almost see me plying this as soon as i get on halo the map is simple but very fun and it is a very close resemblence to the map and it has great gameplay.
I have been waiting so long for somebody to recreate a Mario mini-game! For the first one, does the zombie have firebomb grenades? That would make it a little more realistic. It covers the ground like snow. Or maybe you could even go to great lengths, maybe having the zombie aim for something that keeps the people on the structure (like a grav lift). Still nice work! 4.5/5 Second one is near-perfect, but people might hug the walls. Maybe add a grav lift to stop that? Still, 5/5. Yes, I realize that gravity lifts are the solution to everything.
What do you mean hug the walls? In the second one there is no way not to be shot not even crouching works and you have 150% Gravity to keep to from escapeing.
If two people are next to each other and one sticks to the wall then the person beside him/her can't shoot them.
Oh true but that will only be a problem if you only have two people and honestly if you do that you can beat them down.