Debate Marijuana...v2

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Titmar, Jun 21, 2008.

  1. EZappa

    EZappa Ancient
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    Mm, that is true. Dammit, Vinny! Why must you and Tex outsmart everyone who posts in this thread, and do it while making well-informed, intellegent posts!? When you guys do that, we have no choice but to +rep you!
    #121 EZappa, Aug 20, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2008
  2. Raw King07

    Raw King07 Ancient
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    A few things...
    I doubt that industries could retrieve pure nicotine and dispense it into Marijuana. Nicotine occurs naturally in Tobacco which is why it's there.

    Also, no one home grows Tobacco unless they're a farmer. It takes a lot of tobacco to make a pack of cigarettes, and unless you've got thousands of acres of year round tobacco plants growing it's tough to grow your own tobacco. Cannabis plants aren't as tough to grow, which is why people can grow it in their houses. Plus, generally less Marijuana is used so you won't go through an entire plant every day.

    I'm sure if it did become legalized, there would be enough people growing it that you could get seeds or plants to grow your own or buy it from a reliable source. Sure there would be commercial Marijuana, but it's a relatively easy plant to grow.
  3. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    Actually...You can extract nicotine...Relatively easy actually...How do you think Nicorette is made?

    Relatively true...

    Meh, commercial would be that good **** though...Gotta admit that.

    Oh, and I just want to say I'm proud of the past few comments, sorry I've been away....
  4. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Very probably, you just have to look at Amsterdam to see the kind of stuff that can be produced commercially, its world famous. I think that Dam would be the first to make inroads if legalisation happens, with other companies taking up the slack later on, since its already so established.

    I could foresee a limit on marijuana strength if it was legalised though, similar to some countries' restrictions on alcohol strength. If this were the case then I could still see a strong homegrown market thriving, since it would be so hard to enforce these limits upon home growers.
  5. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    The only problem I have with marijuana legalization is the fact that Big Tobacco companies would most likely get their hands on the manufacturing and distribution rights. We all know what they do to chemically alter cigarettes to make them more addictive, so there' no telling what they would come up with if they got their hands on pot. I'm afraid I'll stick with the "farmer's market" stuff, if you please. Maybe even try that **** from Amsterdam...
    #125 squidhands, Aug 21, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2008
  6. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    Your answer:
  7. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    Well, I know that if they legalize it, commercially, I will definitely invest or even start a company based around pure. I won't allow some ****ed up chemicals to get in my plants, and I've seen the corporate bullshit my whole life, so I won't be partaking in that. And if my company just so happens to die, because the others are winning customers over with some additive, sobeit. I'll just press on like I have been in my life...OH, and I will be able to smoke weed finally...freely...happily...regretlessly...continuously...etcetcetc...
    Vinny and (deleted member) like this.
  8. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    I don't know on you guys, but I don't plan on profit (well not as a priority anyway) I just want to be able to know that I can chill when i've had a tough day you know?

    Instead of getting a Happy Meal, i'll just pick up a Dutch and chill.

    Couldn't have said that any better myself.

    Tex, want to start a company based on pure with me. Reply by editing this post.



    First we must get it legalized though.
    #128 Vinny, Aug 21, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 21, 2008
    Tex likes this.
  9. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Guys I would sooo wana get in with you on that, but I suggest you come to London to learn a few things, this city produces the finest in the world if you know where to look. I've seen the finest bud go from cutting to monster with nothing more than water and organic food, and am happy to say that I have the fruits to hand..

    Kinda funny how this thread has turned into a "what if" discussion about post legalisation shenanigans, but I spose that's because there have been no real objections to legalisation put forward of late, funny that......

    Still, I have to say that my only fear would be that Marijuana production laws would go the way of alcohol, in the UK at least. I think its fair to say that high strength skunk is comparable to spirits in terms of comparative strength, and so its likely that you would require a license to produce it equivilent to UK spirit licensing law. Whilst you could probably get away with home production of weaker sativa or "grass" varieties, it would still suck. You could always, as you guys say, form a company and gain a license, but I'd hate to see even a couple of great skunk growers put out of business due to licensing restrictions.
    I suppose the one possible upside would the the hilarity of having a government inspector come round to check over your production to see if it meets standards, that would make me smile

    Its essential to remember that legalisation can be a double edged sword in many respects. With acceptance comes restriction. Once you get past the obvious barrier of legality, we are actually blessed with many freedoms and cursed with many risks as smokers. We suffer the consequences of the criminal aspect- extortion, associated theft/violence, danger of tampered product etc. But we also have the freedom to do things on our own terms if we have the means, and we can smoke some truly insane stuff that would most likely be outlawed or heavily restricted if legalisation happened.

    It seems odd, but there are upsides to illegality. Still, I think that the most important aspect of legalisation would be to dispel the social prejudice and blatant double standards regarding marijuana. Even if there were restrictions, people would continue to break the law just as they do now, and it would probably be easier to get away with. Business would continue as normal if you knew where to look, and I don't think any of us should worry about that. The important thing is letting society know that unjust social prejudice like this will not stand, and that clear hypocrisy in the legal system persecutes so many people who deserve the right to marijuana just as they do alcohol.

    ^Couldn't have said it better myself...Damnit...I think I've started another edit post.
    #129 Pegasi, Aug 21, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 21, 2008
    Shad0w Viper and Vinny like this.
  10. sonicfait

    sonicfait Ancient
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    I personally beleive that, due to the medical benefits doctors have found through smoking marijuana, and the fact that over sixty percent of people in the US smoke weed (approximate number) I beleive it should be legal
  11. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    That seems hard to believe but I guess there is a high percentage of people smoke just like in my town.
  12. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    Well, I did a bit of research on it earlier, I wasn't going to bring it up, but since you posted:


    Basically, what they're saying in there, is that about 20 percent of Americans have tried marijuana, while in Europe an estimated 10-30 percent have tried it.

    These are only estimates. Don't take them to heart. Though, they're a better guess then "I think about 60 percent smoke the stuff."
  13. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    I don't care what you personally believe. Again, for about the hundredth time, this discussion is NOT ABOUT YOUR BELIEFS OR OPINIONS. Even if you're for the legalization of pot, no one cares about your personal beliefs. Stop ****ing posting them. Give a sound argument one way or the other, back it up with documentation, or stay the hell out of the Debate Forums. The post that I just quoted is so full of bullshit I can smell it coming off my computer. argh
    #133 squidhands, Aug 22, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2008
    Titmar likes this.
  14. Bloumbas

    Bloumbas Ancient
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    Well you guys, you got one customer. What you guys are talking about, witht he bullshit the big name tobacco companys will do to weed, by adding addictive ingrediants, is one of the main reasons weed isn't legalized yet. Because once nocotine, and all that other **** is addded, it's gonna be like smoking a cigarette, just getting high well you do it. And Tex, I think it's bullshit that the stuffs illegal at all, I read your one, very long post, and it's just so farmers could get their farms back, wtf. And I read people saying how, if weed's illegal, then cigarretes should be illegal, that may be true, but could never happen, due to the millions of people struggling with addiction. I hope this post was on topic, and didn't state anything that has already been discussed.

    Edit- Queen of KC if you don't edit that post your gonna get -rep from so many people on this thread, its about facts, not opinions.

    Edit- Too late.
    #134 Bloumbas, Aug 22, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 22, 2008
  15. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    Hey guess what!

    **** your experiences!

    We want a debate. Not a circle jerk of experiences and stories.
  16. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Can you blame him for wanting this to stay a reasoned debate? Maybe it would be harsh if he'd just set on the guy with no prior reason, but people have been spamming this thread with random personal opinions that imply fact or evidence with out anything to back it up. And Vinny is one of the few who has been keeping the debate serious. Give him a break, and remember that this is a debate forum and not just a place to spout random, unfounded assertions on a subject.
  17. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    I don't know why you think those movements are so bad. They help kids stay away from drugs. Is that not a positive thing to you?

    Oh yeah, JSnoop, get the hell off of the debate forum. We don't need your spam, opinions, or attempts at flaming here. And you're probably going to respond to this like "lol norlinsky u r such a *** lol get off of ur computr", which is just going to make you look pathetic, so don't even bother.
  18. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    The movements are stupid because if you feel like you need to join a movement to stay away from drugs, you're obviously not strong enough in the head.

    I mean, I used to stay away from drugs, but I didn't have to join an obnoxious movement to stay away from it. I just said "no" and that was that. I didn't have to yell out "NAH BRO IM STRAIGHT EDGE" because that's obnoxious.

    It's not a bad thing when it helps kids stay away from drugs (even though, this debate has well proven that Marijuana is much more useful than many painkillers, and more uses than Cigarettes or Alcohol) but I just don't like these movements. Not only that, they make it seem as if your body is like some holy temple that i've just decided to ruin because I took drugs.

    **** you. It's my temple. I'll do as I wish with it. The people in these groups think they're (usually, I don't want to be general, but this is always what I seem to come across. And even though i'm being a hypocrite [experiences, just this one time. Promise, k?] I usually come across these snotty, elitist kids who think they're better than me because they stay away from drugs.

    But for now, to keep this thread on topic, and to not start a argument about the wrong subject, let's just pretend that these groups don't exist for the sake of the debate.

    Shad0w Viper likes this.
  19. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    Marijuana Debate Clearance

    I wrote up a thread in off-topic to make it so that posts can be made, then decided upon to actually be in here.
    #139 Tex, Aug 23, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2008
  20. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    Symptoms of Marijuana

    Symptoms and Complications
    Marijuana depresses brain activity, producing a dreamy state in which ideas seem disconnected and uncontrollable. It is mildly psychedelic, causing time, color, and spatial perceptions to distort and be enhanced. Colors may seem brighter, sounds may seem louder, and appetite may be increased. Marijuana generally relieves tension and provides a sense of well-being. The sense of exaltation, excitement, and inner joyousness (a high) seems to be related to the setting in which the drug is taken—such as whether the smoker is alone or in a group and the prevailing mood. Motor abilities decrease during marijuana use, so driving or operating heavy equipment is dangerous.

    People who use large quantities of marijuana may become confused and disoriented. They may develop a toxic psychosis, not knowing who they are, where they are, or what time it is. Some people, particularly those with mental illness, are especially susceptible to these effects, and there is compelling evidence that schizophrenia may become worse with marijuana use. Occasionally, panic reactions occur, particularly in new users. Other effects include an increased heart rate, bloodshot eyes, and dry mouth.

    Prolonged heavy use of marijuana among men may reduce testosterone levels, the size of the testes, and sperm count. Long-term use among women may lead to irregular menstrual cycles. However, these effects do not always occur, and the effects on fertility are uncertain. Pregnant women who use marijuana may have smaller babies than nonusers, and delta-9-THC passes into the breast milk and may intoxicate a breastfed infant.
    Marijuana is eliminated from the body slowly over several weeks, so withdrawal reactions tend to be mild. Heavy users who stop abruptly may experience jerkiness and insomnia


    while it states that marijuana is bad it does not state that it leaves permanent damage if smoked in small amount, but marijuana is an addict so eventually people will start to smoke more and more of it until there begins to be permanent damage.
    Shad0w Viper likes this.

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