Why couldn't you just copy paste the rule being violated? ----- Anyway, it's been debated here that if made legal, then the price will be lowered, because of it's non exclusivity to the "black market" buyers and sellers. Let me find the post. But think about medical marijuana, it's not that expensive.
I am the EXACT opposite, when i smoke i fell much better than after drinking. Alcohol seems to make me feel sick, and smoke feels just right. Weed should definitely be legal because; 1. keeping it illegal will not lower its popularity 2. drugs have always, and will always be around and seeings how marijuana is the most widely used, it could be a big government investment to maybe help economy. 3. a lot of the benefits outweigh the risks. 4. it keeps people happy 5. it will stimulate the economy of food products. 6. "addiction" to weed is considered impossible because it's a mental desire and not a physical addiction. 7. overdoses are highly unlikely. and my personal reason; - so when i go into a smokeshop, i can stop getting bitched at for calling it a bong instead of a "tobacco water-pipe". yea cuz thats what people are buying them for *rolls eyes*... Do you know how annoying that gets?? I'm sure barely anyone will see this all the way back this far but whatever...
the aspirin is drug abuse you retard! if you use the drugs like they tell you to, then youll be fine. do you hear your doctor say :"okay take 1 pound of marijuana everyday and you will be fine."? no! cause it will KILL YOU! you forgot to mention the bad parts! like, how smoke damages the body, do you think it will change any bit if the smoke is right in your face and your sucking on it? no. and actually yes it is addicting. because you get "happy"(i dont see how you can get happy when you die) you want to get "happy" even more! Poison ivy is a plant, you dont see me smoking one of those do you? its illegal for a reason dumbasses.
He can't say that because it's illegal. You stupid ****. But from a standpoint, marijuana is much better substitute for ibuprofen. So will alcohol and cigarettes along with a constant use of many prescription drugs. You know ibuprofen? There's a lot more ways to use marijuana than just typical smoking. Examples: 1. Bong 2. Hash Brownies 3. Hash Tea Smoke is bad for your body, but there are safer alternatives. It's just that, through smoking (blunts/joints/L's/bong) it's much easier, and quicker. This is the gateway theory. It is flawed, has been discussed, and dis-proven in this thread that you obviously have not read. Because theres not point in smoking poison ivy **** head. It doesn't provide the calmness, relaxation or the buzz of a cannabis product. And you're post has been disproven. You're wrong, and ****ing stupid. Discontinue your life. Provide backup. Or leave.
yes marijuana is good. altough it may not be good for your lungs and kill brain sells its still allot more healthy that drinking. drunk=drives fast,violent,horny high on pot=drives slow,calm collect,no visual distortion,munches. which do you think sounds better? people who say pot is evil have never smoked it. i have and it does not mess you up as much as popular media portrays it does,you can think, and you can reason, and contrary to how they visualize it on "thats 70 show" it does not make you hallucinate .
first off sorry for the double post , report me if you must , but i have to call this little **** head out. first off i smoke and i have a 4.0 GPA so im not a idiot . second off they do prescribe marijuana to melanoma patients and to suffers of chronic back pains. pot does not kill you and its not addictive, whens the last time you saw a guy giving out oral sex for a dime bag huh? they do for drugs like crack cocaine and heroin but not pot! plus pot doesn't make you really happy like your saying it just calms you down and makes you forget about your problems. and lastly ITS NOT ADDICTIVE! i could smoke a whole ****ing bag and quit cold turkey . i smoke a few times and i haven't smoked it in over 3 months so YEAH IM REALLY ADDICT AREN'T I! so stop making judgements and false statements on something that you never tried and im banking you have never come in contact with alright?
Personally, I hit a bong the other night. And I have no idea what the ****. I was stupified. I was an idiot. And I was still able to rationalize, but it's really a different feeling. If it's your first time being high, you'll feel like a different person, in a prison for your mind kind of because you can't make decisions as well. But as the high goes on, you'll eventually just slip into it, and love it. So at the start of the high, you feel a little trapped, but after 5-10 minutes you enjoy the rest. I love it. And anyone who's smoked it has loved it.
Any Massachusettian people here???? Question #2 on the ballot anyone? As of January 4 marijuana will be decriminalized in Massachusetts for anyone over the age of 18! Too bad im not 18 for another yearish. Plus if you get caught driving under the influence you get fined. You get caught with a little bit of weed you get arrested and sent to court which goes on your record which makes it very hard for you to get a job. It is extremely helpful in many ways to decriminalize weed. Wow...first post in a while....and it happens to be about weed....
Yeah I am, is this the same law people voted for on nov 4th? Or was it updated to like what you said?
I haven't read the other pages, nor do I intend to, I'm just going off the original topic. A lot of people think that because Marijuana is legal in Holland, that it'd work in other countries. Well, no, the Dutch have grown up with that, so they are used to it. Some countries in Europe have no drinking age, if that was introduced in Australia, binge drinking would reach a high, whereas in Europe, it doesn't happen. I don't know if you get what I mean(I'm not good at conveying points), but it has to do with culture.
Valid point hpm. Let's think briefly on the fact of America's culture. It's filled with many different aspects, such as diverse music, languages, environments, people, etc. Holland, not so much diversity, they have a set structure almost. Why does this matter? Well, just because you have a diverse group, doesn't mean that that same group isn't able to intertwine with a more conventional means of relaxation. In fact, if anything, it means America would be bigger & better at smoking then Holland, with the fact of prosperity that would sprout from the legalization. It truly means nothing, that our American culture is set around the illegalization, and the criminalization of Marijuana, when people say that we wouldn't work well around marijuana. I can see where you are coming from when you talk about the drinking age in Australia. You're using that comparitively to Americans (Or any other country where Marijuana isn't legal) being able to smoke, and using that freedom religously. Which, anything done in large amounts over a long period of time, is terribly bad for an individual. It may take a few years for people to get used to Marijuana's legalization, but when it comes down to it, those few years will be the end of the current recession we are in. lol, that much I can say 100%. Regardless of the recession, smoking is a means of relaxation, which, could be substituted for drinking, which, here in America, drinking and driving is a serious issue. Back to my point...People may get heavy into smoking large amounts of Marijuana for a few years, maybe even decades, but eventually we'll be a lot better then our current status, of arresting normal citizens at the claim of something like this: "Oh, he's got Marijuana, he's going downtown.""But, what did he do wrong?" "Marijuana is illegal. So he's going downtown.""...Right...But what is wrong with marijuana...Let me rephrase that, Why is marijuana illegal." Typical answer A) "It just is, so until it becomes legal, I have to book him." Typical answer B) "I don't know why it's illegal, it just is" Typical answer C) "I don't know, but they wouldn't have it illegal if it wasn't for a good reason." (I really ****ing hate answer C...That's the most ignorant ****ing excuse I ever heard.) There are many more of these typical answers, as to why Marijuana is illegal here in the U.S., but for now, there isn't much one can do but to deal with it, and move on. Eventually, I plan on moving to Europe, because seriously, I'm tired of the **** going on here in America. Not just the whole marijuana thing.
Barack might change that though, so far I haven't seen a good arguement for keeping it illegal just like how you proved it.