The question is should Marijuana be legal? There are many reasons for both sides You can list some pros some cons but some of the interesting things is even though its illegal so many people have tried or do smoke it Here are some facts from a website i found about highschoolers and marijuana: Marijuana is the most frequently used illegal drug in the United States. Nearly 69 million Americans over the age of 12 have tried marijuana at least once. About 10 million had used the drug in the month before the survey. Among teens 12 to 17, the average age of first trying marijuana was 14 years. A yearly survey of students in grades 8 through 12 shows that 23 percent of 8th-graders have tried marijuana at least once, and by 10th grade, 21 percent are "current" users (that is, used within the past month). Among 12th-graders, nearly 50 percent have tried marijuana/hash at least once, and about 24 percent were current users ?Shouldn't it be our choice? Feel free to express yourself i don't care what your opinion is just tell me what you think. Tell us if your one of those 50% of highschoolers that has tried pot. Source: Smoking Marijuana Statistics +rep goes along way
There's already been a topic like this... though yours is definitely more well thought out and organized, please keep debates in one topic. Link: On topic, I'm all for legalizing marijuana as long as it's used for medicinal purposes, and not just as an at home luxury, like alcohol and such.