OMG does this mean the beginning of DLC play lists if so im very happy What do you guys think of all this?
um matt.... why are you awake at.... oh yeah timezones,good morning, i geuss. anyway on topic. this is like the third thread pointing this out. and it all sounds awesome, except the whole winning at grifball gives you double exp thing, that blows big donkey boner. but swat is nice. very nice. very super extra, afternoon delite nice, if you know what i mean. i'm rambling again aren't i? i'll stop.
yes, there have already been like 3 topics on this unless u deleted them to make this. but i think its a step in the right direction with swat and i played dlc slayer last night and the guys we were against were like all practced and stuff and we lost big time. that means people r already getting serious about this.
I used to love Halo 2 SWAT, it was the only real playlist I played. I think this playlist update reads to be the best of them yet, (as long as they make SWAT permanent at some point)
Cool can't wait to play griffball but when does this playlist come out because I'm in england and its now 17:43.
Well I did not see any topic about it and yes I did use the search feature. (And Kaya I posted this the morning before I went to school at seven in the morning.)
Yay for Team Slayer DLC, that's so awesome, and I can't wait to play on the swat playlist! I hope they come out with community forged maps playlists soon.
w00t for griffball! we are going to get 200 xp in 3 days!!! wewt! Anyone else have plans for griffball? if so add:: Woggle1337 we can play sometime 3/7/08 - 3/10/08
hey matt, i figured out a really funny/useful trick you can do in grifball, i'll try to show you tomorrow or on caturday, yes i said caturday.