hello all i was just wondering if someone could make me 2 maps that i have an idea for. i am no good at forging so im hoping someone can help me. message me in game if you can help me my gamertag is Eskychess (messed up acc name on fh) or post on the forum either way. my ideas are 1. a maze where there are hidden weapons and you have to use a certain weapon for each part. it can be like the map dig to china, omega journey, etc (all the same map) and the other one is on foundry i would like 2 trains that sorta crashed and there are like normal thing in the train and you can get to one train to the other by them being connected. and just a side idea for a map could someone make a map where it is ideal for slayer, team slayer, and infection or more and it be symmetrical like you blow up a warthog and 2 weapons spawn or something like that. thx for the help eskychess
Well there is only one problem about your inquiry, and that is that you don't gain anything from just saying you had the idea for the map. The ting about forging is that you only get good at it from practice (like most things). You won't be remembered for the idea, and I'm sure the person who would agree to make the map for you wouldn't give you much credit for it either. So my suggestion is that you research how to Merge, float objects, ect. and then try your best at making the map. But you need to try your hardest on it, you cannot say, "eh, that's a pretty good merge," or, "this could be better, but I don't have the TIME." These are all things good map makers have gotten used to not saying, in order for your maps to succeed you must take time on it.
ok ill try at it i know how to merges and stuff its just that im not sure what to make the stuff out of. thx for the tips tho. ill give em a try and if anyone can help me that would be great.