Maps Section - Feedback

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Foge, Nov 16, 2017.

  1. Foge

    Foge Staff
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    ************************************* EDIT by Nitro ****************************************

    What's broken and what do you think needs attention.

    This is a serious post and would like valuable feedback in order to help improve the map sections.

    ie. Quality reviews, better User Experience, etc.


    Can we please make some sort of general map posting guideline template or something? Getting real tired of all the people getting upset at people telling them their map posts are low effort and then they get upset. Also can we not post 10 maps at a time essentially just flushing away all the maps on the first page? Seems like posting multiple maps should be against the rules for that reason but that's none of my business.

    Survive the town is also why I don't think comments should add to the trending counter thing on the side of the map page. It's just people yelling at each other. Who knew all I have to do to get my map to top trending to the highest number in months is to just trigger some people to start yelling at me.
  2. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
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    100% agree. It's not fair for someone to post a map, get it burried, but can't "update" it to get it back to the front for at least a week or whatever... map spam should be illegal.

    Also, Definitely take comments out of the "trending" algorithm. it should be # downloads per day. The ones highest up on that rating should be on top. That way, even as traffic decreases, whichever ones are doing the best get to the top.

    Also also, counting pre-fabs as "# of maps posted" for a person should be removed. Prefabs, as useful as they can be, are not maps.
    #2 ExTerrestr1al, Nov 16, 2017
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2017
  3. Zandril

    Zandril Promethean
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    You guys could have it where a person can only post a maximum of 2 maps a day or something like that to prevent kids from spamming their garbage. As for the post quality issue, strict enforcement of map-posting guidelines should help. It'll also up the quality on the maps section as a whole.

    Kinda hard though when you have "senior members" posting **** like this lol
    K a n t a l o p e likes this.
  4. GrayishPoppy210

    GrayishPoppy210 Legendary
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    All the maps are lazy studios but yeah I agree. Some sort of delay should be added, similar to with updates. The problem comes if people are new to the site or something and have a lot of maps to upload. However I think it would still be good to not allow them to upload them all at once. This encourages them to spend more time on the map post. Also I agree the map post template could be improved but there's no way to really force people to post screenshots without forge meters. Perhaps a pinned thread explaining map posting guidelines. Everyone could've handled this whole situation a bit better.
    Masterr SLUG likes this.
  5. GrayishPoppy210

    GrayishPoppy210 Legendary
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    All the maps are lazy studios but yeah I agree. Some sort of delay should be added, similar to with updates. The problem comes if people are new to the site or something and have a lot of maps to upload. However I think it would still be good to not allow them to upload them all at once. This encourages them to spend more time on the map post. Also I agree the map post template could be improved but there's no way to really force people to post screenshots without forge meters. Perhaps a pinned thread explaining map posting guidelines. Everyone could've handled this whole situation a bit better.
    Masterr SLUG likes this.
  6. Yeti For Hire

    Yeti For Hire Legendary
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    I think there should be a 3 screenshot requirement for a map post. I'm so sick of clicking on a map and all I see is the map thumbnail but blurrier. At least give me two other blurry images to look at!

    Also, if the requirement was implemented, you could disable it during contests since a lot of people like to post several maps last minute.

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    One map a day with 7 images minimum.
    Masterr SLUG likes this.
  8. CertifiedChamp

    CertifiedChamp Legendary
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    5 minimum screenshots, as it's the max for map files on halo 5 itself
    Masterr SLUG likes this.
  9. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
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    at least 3 would be okay to me... someone (I think it was @purely fat suggested we have a requirement for an overhead shot, but my issue wit hthat is it requires a lot more skill and familiarity for newer posters. Removing roofs, (why isn't it "rooves" you stupid language!?!?!) and then going through and marking all the areas... it's nice to see and will get your map taken more seriuosly, but I don't feel that needs to be a requirement, personally.
  10. Dunco

    Dunco Troll Whisperer
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    Map post quality is pretty representative of the map itself. If they make a shitty map post it just saves me the time of not looking at the map. They are doing you a service.

    Masterr SLUG likes this.
  11. qrrby

    qrrby Waggly piece of flesh
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    Per the map post limit, I'd be fine with one a day, but make it 7 per week. I know some people like releasing trilogy maps or infection series, so that might be a good way to balance the sides.
  12. TheLunarRaptor

    TheLunarRaptor Legendary
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    I am honestly ok with maps not being the best of the best, it just rubs me the wrong way when people don't try at all and then expect people to not say something, especially when you post 10 maps within 2 hours. It's so easy to tell if someone cares about their map, hell some of the maps had upwards of 50 objects outside of the map along with default colors, I checked them out one by one to see if he tried, pair this with a post that has forge controls and a poor description, then do this 10 times. It's legitimately unfair to those who spend weeks to months on a map. No map is perfect but its easy to tell if there is effort put into a map/post, this is all I ask.

    I don't want to drive away new members, but if they are going to be unfair to active members, be inconsiderate, and try to act like victims when they get hostile towards those asking politely to put a little bit if heart into a post, then I can't really say I am too worried about them being driven away.

    Yeah I was a bit mean towards the forge attorney and his client, but I feel like disrespecting a full page of maps and creators is worse.
    Masterr SLUG likes this.
  13. GrayishPoppy210

    GrayishPoppy210 Legendary
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    To be fair some of the maps aren't bad and clearly have some effort put into them. I mean, they're far far away from the worst I've seen on this site. The map posts and the fact they came all at once was the main problem. And how quickly tensions escalated for some reason. Still it's raised a good point about the ability to spam maps here and I don't think anyone has got to upset. Also I reckon next time he posts a map he'll have learnt from this. I mean my original map posts were **** and I'm pretty sure I just spammed my first few maps when I joined. But look at me now... Still forging **** maps (oh well).
  14. Yekkou

    Yekkou Yellow, but with "kk"s
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    Bring back the forum map posts. At least then you could easily identify and actively follow different creators who were actually trying to improve their content since active map threads are bumped back to the top. In the current map list, you see the thumbnail and immediately judge from that single picture (No shame, I know I do). Even if someone comments or there's a real discussion going on for the map, no one will know or join or learn from it since it's just as quickly pushed off the front page regardless of conversation.

    I think this is why WAYWO is essentially the only active thread on the site. It has pretty much replaced what the forum posts were except it's completely disorganized since creators post at their whim and any advice given is buried by the other map posts / random discussion. Users used to create WIP threads which would serve a similar purpose, but why make a WIP thread or a decent map post when you'll get way more exposure and feedback in WAYWO. I'm just rambling now and I'm pretty sure I've had this argument before, but bottom line is that the new method of "posting" a map, to me, is way less effective than a good ol' forum post in the areas of exposure where credit is due, accessibility, meaningful discussion, giving incentive of proper presentation, etc.

    Also, I suck at formatting arguments.
    a Chunk likes this.
  15. Yekkou

    Yekkou Yellow, but with "kk"s
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    An example of a map thread (definitely not a prime example) would probably be this WIP thread I made for that map that I x'd because of gameplay issues HERE. I was able to get great feedback and felt a good discussion was able to take place in which others could learn from and access as well if they saw it as an active thread in a map section. Maybe you could have thread tags like "VER #" or "WIP" so the WIPs could coincide with the polished maps or something, I don't know.

    EDIT: The more I think about this, the more I wish it was like this haha. Keeping your thread active for more exposure could entice content creators to be more active in their map threads when feedback is given and active in the community since, naturally, you'd familiarize yourself with members faster. This is all opposed to the current way where it seems most content creators that are posting in the Map List seem to post and leave. I've never even heard of half the people posting in there right now because, to them it seems, ForgeHub is just a vehicle for getting people to play their maps rather than a community. Rambling again.
    a Chunk likes this.
  16. LazyStudio

    LazyStudio Legendary
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    @LazyStudio is either holding all of these just to dump at once, or they aren't his maps. I'm not making an accusation but if it is the former, then he needs to plan out the releases better out of respect for the site.

    Also also, counting pre-fabs as "# of maps posted" for a person should be removed. Prefabs, as useful as they can be, are not maps.[/QUOTE]

    Dude... I hardly get on here ever to upload maps. I am a working man. I chose my day off to upload my content. Just so happens I had many maps I had forgotten about. I decided to upload them with the time I had. Yes these are my maps. Out of all the mean things people have said on this site I think you insinuating that they were not my maps angered me the most. I agree with you about the pre fabs... They shouldn't be counted as maps. I feel like the site should change not the user when it comes to when I want to upload and how much I want to upload. We forgers are the ones making this website exist. Not the other way around.
  17. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
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    sir, kindly go back and read word, for word, what I wrote. I specifically made sure anyone reading could NOT read it the way you just did.

    EDIT: I even tagged you with the @ symbol out of respect so that you were not having people talk about you behind your back...
  18. LazyStudio

    LazyStudio Legendary
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    Just because you say with all due respect doesn't mean you get to say whatever you want. - Ricky Bobbi

    Your statement had no basis for even being said. Thus by saying what you said you were being insinuating.

    I mean an example would be you see a guy hauling a bunch of dirt on the road and you say. Im not making an accusation but I think that guy stole that dirt. There was no motive for your comment.
  19. MythicFritz

    MythicFritz Halo 3 Era
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    I don't see any issue with dumping multiple maps or the quality of the post. Why do people feel the need to have their map on the first page? Why care about how much effort someone else puts into their work? The maps section is meant to be a library of all maps so if someone is looking for something in particular, make sure your map is identified, categorized, and documented so that it can be found. I don't only check the front desk at the library for what was recently added, I search the database, browse the shelf, and ask friends for recommendations.

    But I've never cared about download counts and only read waywo anymore so my opinion probably doesn't have a lot of weight. I'd never have posted a map here if it weren't a requirement of the 1v1 contest.
  20. TheLunarRaptor

    TheLunarRaptor Legendary
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    The library doesn't categorize its books by release date so that isn't a fair comparison. It would be like if your library had a series of shelves lined up on a wall with the oldest books on the right and the newest on the left on the new shelf, an overwhelming amount of people would check the first shelf for what is new, then they would move on with their day. Sure you can still get recommendations from others and whatnot, but if you are a regular joe you won't really go past a few shelves. It's not that anyone is obsessed with being on the front page, its that they feel robbed of exposure for the map they worked hard on, which is the main point of this site.

    In order to get those recommendations that guy has to see your map in the first place, which me might not do if its multiple pages down .
    Masterr SLUG likes this.

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