Map Under Blackout

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by AceOfSpades, Feb 11, 2009.

  1. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I'm just wondering if you guys like my idea. I'm going to make a map under blackout using boxes as the floor... I haven't done much. I've got one box and a couple things blocked off. I'm going to use some of the lower pathways of Blackout as higher ground with ramps leading up to them. They will be blocked off from the rest of Blackout. Just wondering if you guys think this is a good idea.
    PS: If anybody takes my idea, I have this thread as proof.
  2. Ja Red is Ninja

    Ja Red is Ninja Ancient
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    Sounds pretty good. VM me when you release it or it is ready for testing.
  3. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    You aren't the first person to come up with this, I know a lot of people who have thought of it, including myself. And, I definitely wasn't the first to bring it up. Go for it though. I just don't see the point in working down in a cramped space when you could easily build it above Blackout. Anyways, good luck.
  4. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    I think it is a great idea. I especially like how you are going to use blackout's actual geometry and include that in your map. You cannot really say anything since maps under Blackout have been done before and this is much to broad to call map theft. I hope that this map can end the era of heroic and legendary DLC. Best of luck to you in forge. Also if you happen to need advice on something or need to know how to do a complicated geomerge just private message me or leave a comment for me at the link in my sig.
  5. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    I've attempeted to make a giant dome/colosseum map under blackout. I've obviously failed, for if completed, the general image would be implemented in peoples head. Floating maps are always challenging, but always promote congeniality. Creativity is something withering away, but with this map I propose you shall re-create it. Some tips are to create an existing floor already so you can position a rough draft, and manipulate things easier without having to Save and Quit blind guided. If you are going to use the Save and Quit method I suggest you sign in another controller, if you're in possession of one, and use the split-screen to help better examine you placement. If you're not in possesion of another controller, I usually rely on a trustworthy friend of mine to call the shots. I also refer you to Lunar_Chronicle made by our very own Mallet. It is a great example of what can be done off of Blackout, and shows some innovative features. As to the part where you claim to be the first, obviously you are not, but I understand the security of your idea, for I hate despise map-stealers. But if you are really this sensitive on the idea, I suggest not making a thread publicising it in the future, just in-case a person comes by and decides to take your idea for their selves.

    Anyway I hope I helped you, and if you need additional help feel free to PM me.
  6. Debo37

    Debo37 Ancient
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    I tried making such a map, but eventually I gave up on it. It's really difficult to block off default Blackout, enough so that the added benefit of Forging between amazing looking yellow pillars is pretty much offset.

    Then again, I'm not exactly the most patient person in the world, so you might have better luck down there. Good luck!
  7. Star iz Legiit

    Star iz Legiit Ancient
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    yea man I love the idea for any map on blackout becaus it is very unique and original.So when you get it done,I am in the testers guild and i would be happy to test out the map for you
  8. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Yeah I just figured no one had ever done it since I've never seen one before but thanks everybody for all of the feedback.

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