Map Theft!

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by MattKestrel, Feb 9, 2011.

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  1. Negrumir

    Negrumir Forerunner

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    lol Ninja'd a Ninja.

    I hope people are mature enough to not take it all out of context and not listen to the full explanation. Sadly, most of them probably are gonna do that anyway.
  2. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I feel for the guy.. I'd never even seen empire and it actually looks pretty damn good. It's just a shame someone stole his first version and submitted it as their forgetacular entry... Too bad the only recognition the kids gonna get now is tons of abuse from nearly every forging community out there for being a rotten little thief!
    #22 Stevo, Feb 9, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2011
  3. PatchworkZombie

    PatchworkZombie Forerunner

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    Bungie won't comment in the thread because if they do they will have to admit that the method of submitting maps had major flaws. Being English, I couldn't enter the contest anyway but if this happened I would be so mad.
  4. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    Foman makes a good case for himself there.

    And hey, welcome to ForgeHub.
  5. MattKestrel

    MattKestrel Ancient
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    Has anyone actually done a comparison between the two maps? Might be worth looking into what changes were made between the versions. Also, thanks for changing the title, I was not sure what to put there.
  6. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    Cody went through the map and apparently the thief took an earlier version of his map before he made some weapon placement changes. From what it sounds like, the thief made no cosmetic changes to Cody's map, Empire.
  7. xSoGx Grim

    xSoGx Grim Commander

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    I don't think it was intended from Bungie to shun the community. No one is asking them to have to filter through everymap on here. I can see a quick background title check, but how much can they really do if the name has been changed. In my opinion the only badguy here is the person who chose to take a published map and submit it to the contest. I send my best regards to the original creator, and advise an ethics check for the other guy. Again, those Bungie employees responsible for the contest should double check their maps (a fixed weapon should never be in matchmaking)
  8. Dookie no Jutsu

    Dookie no Jutsu Forerunner

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    I am new to these forums, but I have been visiting this site regularly since mid-october. I have not submitted a map nor do I have any plans to. I like to view these community maps because I know what it is like work toward a goal and to achieve it. So I can relate to the folks who feel strongly about what seems to be a blatant act of plagiarism. What's even more disappointing is that there may not be much that can be done to fix the situation. I did feel better though when I saw all the hate messages the alleged map thief was getting on I know it's wrong but I couldn't help it.
  9. Youtuber

    Youtuber Ancient
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    The map file on the thief's share has been reported and is not viewable.
  10. ManRayX

    ManRayX Ancient
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    I didn't have to see this post to know bungie doesn't care, just look at some of the maps that won. As an avid forger I'm furious if this is what thier attitude is. Plagarism is the worst and I'm glad forgehub stands up to it at least.

  11. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    Remember how every time we saved a map in Halo: 3 it would force you to relinquish rights to the content to Bungie? Well, that same contract applies here even if you don't have to constantly agree to it. Jack **** would come out of that.

    On the other hand, Bungie sincerely ****ed the pooch on this one. And Foman should go shoot himself for not keeping his mouth shut, cus he may have just completely ruined Bungies reputation for a good long time.

    To be honest, I am glad that Bungie has lost the rights to the Halo franchise to Microsoft, because otherwise it completely would have gone the way of Call of Duty... a bad repackaging with a dumb name on it. It seems like the big name devs can never make anything last, other than Bethesda. Everything else sells out and goes to Activision most of the time. Sigh...
  12. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    Yoyo, normally I agree or at least appreciate your input but both the statements are incorrect and some fact checking would have proved them wrong. Foman even posted a few posts above this explaining his post. Someone else within cody's bungie thread regarding his stolen map mentioned how someone took something from his fileshare, changed it, and put it in their fileshare. Foman was pointing out this is not the same situation as submitting a fraudulent map to Bungie for a contest, and if you are putting someone elses map in yourfile share than the original creator does receive some credit.

    As far as the second statement goes...REALLY? Microsoft is the reason why Halo ODST was a $60 dollar game and not a Halo 3 expansion for like $20 like Bungie staff originally planned. All people got for that extra 40 bucks was firefight as that was added in later because of the delay Microsoft put on ODST. Bungie is still one of the most community driven developers out there and their products are all well received. So I wouldn't go comparing Bungie to the publisher Activision. And why the bethesda call out...they aren't usually known as the community leader...

    Just saying, you can express disappointment without saying false slanderous things.
    #32 PacMonster1, Feb 9, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2011
  13. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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  14. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    Bungie left the competitive community they created for a much larger, and much less involved casual market simply for the sake of making more money. Halo: Reach has so many flaws that it seems as if it got pushed ahead of schedule, simply to get it out faster. Bungie has only been fixing the insignificant problems, and shows little-no respect for the communities that it CREATED, and only cares for those that can easily move on to other games and leave bungie behind. In other words, they kiss ass to those people that they might lose and ignore the people that are dependent on them. Bungie is going to Activision, probably because then they can release ten crappy games in a row without getting consequences from the casual market that is willing to shell out 60 dollars a month for a full game. 343 is basically bungie from ten years ago, and supports the halo community more than bungie does, so my respect goes to them. Waypoint, anyone?

    Your comment about ODST was stupid and irrelevant. I am totally willing to pay 60 dollars for something that would have been considered a full game easily. This is just you getting borderline snobby; the halo series has had great multiplayer AND a campaign, so when they release something that MERELY has a campaign (one that is much better than a good majority of the others out there) and it only has an ingenious answer to the original **** Zombies that even MW2 and Black Ops couldn't come up with, it should definitely be cheaper than Playstation games from ten years ago.... disregard the fact that it is years ahead of that. The game also came with nearly 30 dollars of DLC for a DIFFERENT game, so you basically only payed 30 for that Campaign and Firefight. I think its a joke that anyone even considered ODST to be an expansion.

    Well received =/= good.

    Cougar Palace is literally the EXACT same map as the one before, but every time bungie mentions the map they give credit to the guy who stole it, not the guy who made it.
  15. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    Nice dodge of the foman issue...Regardless, me come off as "snooty"? I simply defended a person from needless bashing that was incorrectly placed then defended a company that made a game we all play and enjoy. The ODST example was not "irrevelant" as it was directly linked to you saying you were glad Microsoft now has the halo franchise. 343 Studios is a Halo multi-media company. They are in charge of more than just the Halo game franchise. Also, I have never heard of someone say they were glad they paid more money for a game that didn't have to be more money...ODST's campaign was arguably the best story, but it was very short. Bungie's staff had intended it to be an expansion, that isn't some rumor of some angry fanboy who hated ODST or something, it was Microsoft who decided since they had nothing to go up against (not sure about which PS3 game, but I know it was one) god of war 3 so they delayed ODST. Sure firefight (which was pretty much horde mode) was nice but I wouldn't go exclaiming ODST the all mighty halo game because of it...

    Also your right, Bungie does not respond to every halo community exuberantly. They don't have to. They hold competitions at somewhat regular intervals, they do make corrections, (and people who know nothing of coding seem to think making simple changes to a server based game is a quick process. One small mistake and it could knock out MM). So while I am often disappointed in the direction Bungie takes at times I would never say they flat out abandoned the community as that is just not true. Join a Valve forum if you want to talk about neglect.

    As far as the Cougar Plaza issue, yes it is a shame Bungie did not catch this when they were going through contest submissions. However, once the issue was brought to them, and it was brought to them fast, the fraudulent creator's submission was reported and will probably be DQ'ed. So they can't retroactively give credit if they didn't know the problem.

    Edit: By the way, I can see underpinnings of, "Bungie doesn't mention forgehub" anymore in that response. As competitive communities like MLG get mentioned all the time on Bungie...

    But that will be enough of this conversation as very little of it has anything to do with the stolen map, if you want to discuss this more we can bring it to PM.
    #35 PacMonster1, Feb 9, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2011
  16. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    "Bungie supposedly played in a few times to see if it was worthy of MM".

    Lucky the word supposedly is in there. I point you towards the community playlist.
  17. Ociee

    Ociee Forerunner
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    This makes me so pissed, If I get a reply from Jeremiah, I will post if I get it, I've done everything I can.

    - Trolled thief
    - Acknowledged Real creator
    - Notified all Employees

    Check, check, check.
  18. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
    Senior Member

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    While I would agree with you about this at any other time, I do not agree with you in this situation because of the fact that this is someone blatantly submitting someone else's work into a contest for personal gain.

    Had this been a simple case of someone randomly passing off someone else's map as their own... there would be no issue, butthis is putting your name on someone else's term paper. This is copying someone else's book and making yourself the author.

    What would have happened if he won the Forgetacular Contest and received the prizes? Then and only then, you would have agreed? Plagiarism is against the law in any institution, in any form.

    While I understand this is only, it is still an interesting read... especially the "Experts Insight" and "Misconceptions" sections of the article.

    Internet Copyright Laws for Plagiarism |
    #38 MaxSterling, Feb 9, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2011
  19. Katanga

    Katanga Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is horrible. You've built a map that is matchmaking worthy, and some arse hole is getting the credit. You have my full support, and I hope you get the credit you deserve.

    And I hope the thief gets their own custom nameplate, labelling them as a thief forever.
  20. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    Its the same as bands "Selling their souls" to the LA music industry. Any music they make, while still benefiting them (and making them money) still belongs to the record company they signed with... because of the CONTRACT they agreed to.

    We agreed to a contract that all and everything we make is property of bungie and theirs to do with as they choose, so they have fulls rights to that. Private contract > the law, because the law says that a private contract that does not go against the constitution (which in this case doesn't) completely overthrows any moral, ethic, or state regulations.
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