Map Theft!

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by MattKestrel, Feb 9, 2011.

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  1. MattKestrel

    MattKestrel Ancient
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    Okay, the new Community Slayer is probably great (haven't played it yet) but I saw on interesting debate appear on one of the map threads... start from Rusty Eagle's post on this page.

    As you can see, apparently someone took Empire, renamed it Cougar Plaza and simply submitted it to Forgetacular, and won. o_O It seems silly that the only map from Forgehub to get into this playlist (as far as I'm aware) had to be plagarised for this to happen, and it makes me wonder as to whether Bungie is actively shunning Forgehub or not. I can't see Bungie ignoring the original author data not matching up with the creator data, I'm just not sure.

    What do you guys think? Do you think this mishap was intentional or just a result of lazy testing and what not?
  2. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    Actually a few maps from the original and current community slayer playlists were posted on forgehub. Just by none popular members. I know Joeski posted Treasury on forgehub, and members who only have like 1 or 2 posts posted some of the other maps that got in. But if you do a search you'll probably find them.

    As for the stealing maps thing, there is a discussion about it on Bungie if you want to weigh in on it.

    Bungie link

    As far as discussion goes, these kind of blatant oversights really make me wonder, WTF is your criteria Bungie?! We're led to believe that lag was a major factor into DQ'ing maps. Some of the maps in the original community playlist and the current "improved" one had framerate lag. One map is a straight rip with nothing changed of a respected forger. This was the case in the last update too as one of the maps, I'm forgetting which it was, was just Joeski's atom shuffled around a bit. If Bungie is going to accept people starting from other people's work than what the hell. By that logic why doesn't everyone just copy whatever map has 20,000 DL's on it, rename it, and send it to Bungie saying, "LOOK AT MY AWESOMEZ MAP, I MADE THIS!".
  3. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    From Bungie

    Well, Holy ****. That's a slap in the face to anyone who get's credit taken for the work they put into making a map.
    #3 rusty eagle, Feb 9, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2011
  4. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    ****, guess Shad0w could have entered Blockade after all..though it's not likely it wouldn't have been autoignored
  5. Chron

    Chron Ancient
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    That quote has made me lose alot of respect for Bungie. Basically they're saying that you can go ahead and steal someone's map and submit it as your own. Do they not realise that they're ignoring all the work and time the original creator put into this map?
    I had been proud of Bungie for this new round of community maps before I read that quote. I'm sorry but whether they say it's allowed or not, That's ****ing cruel. The least they could do was acknowledge the original author.
    #5 Chron, Feb 9, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2011
  6. Patsteirer

    Patsteirer Forerunner

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    heres the thing, when you change a map, that's fine. I am perfectly okay with that idea. HOWEVER, credit needs to be given where credit is due. I mean, if you make edits to someones map and then resubmit it as your own...well,that's okay, you probably won't be well liked. But at the very least, you should be required to state the original creator of the map.
  7. goomaestro005

    goomaestro005 Forerunner

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    If this is a case of Bungie knowing someone stole the map and not giving credit to the original map maker, I would agree with the hate for Bungie. But if it is a case of Bungie themselves (not people moderating the Bungie forums) just looking at the map and not knowing it was stolen (which I wouldnt be surprised if that IS the case), then there really isn't much that can be done.

    It sucks that someone would actually steal someones map and submit it as their own. I would be pissed if someone was stupid enough to take a map I had spent so long on and stole it as their own idea, but there isnt much I can do about it other than provide proof that I made the map first with my map files created date.

    It sucks that something like this would happen, but I dont think putting all the blame on Bungie is the wisest decision since we only know someone stole the map and it was put onto a playlist; we have no idea whether Bungie know that the map was stolen and just dont care or anything. Unless there is something in that topic, which I cant really be bothered to read all 9 pages...

    If Forge returns to another Halo game, hopefully they will make it so that you cant edit a map that doesnt have you listed as a creator and save it as a new map with you listed as the creator; have it so that you can save the map as a new map file, but it will keep the "Created by" part as the person who made the map in the first place.

    Long story short, it does suck that someone would and can steal a map like this, but I doubt there is much that can be done, unless the person who had their map stolen was able to contact Bungie themselves and try to get the situation fixed so that the map that was stolen was replaced with the map name that the original creator made.
    #7 goomaestro005, Feb 9, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2011
  8. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    Original author doesn't get edited out by other people's saves. That's how we all know it was stolen and who the original author was.
  9. goomaestro005

    goomaestro005 Forerunner

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    Ah. well at least there is that then. I wasnt aware they had the feature in already since I don't think I can recall running into a situation where someone stole a map.

    If that is the case then hopefully it becomes realized by Bungie rather soon. Seems like a bit of an oversight to make, unless the original author part is in the details when you press X on a map file. But still, bit of an oversight.

    That just makes me want to laugh at the people who actually do this. It is like the people that still AFK in games; they know they will get caught, yet they do it anyway.
  10. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    I agree - however, TOM T 117 later quoted part of Foman's post and added this:

    "This is true, although it would be common curtosy [sic] to reference the original author in the description if saving a new map.

    "However, if we take this in the context of the contest, it clearly stated
    'Entries must be original (e.g., no remakes or rip-offs) and exclusively created and owned by the Entrant'. So if the map was indeed stolen then the user is at fault."
  11. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    Weren't links to maps submitted given to Bungie via e-mail? In all fairness, if that's the case... it's pretty difficult to go through every map submitted and double check the original authors and person who submitted the map.

    Fortunately, this map only made it into the Community Playlist and didn't actually win. I'd be extremely pissed if the person that submitted the map won the actual prize by doing no actual forging and just saving it under their own name and submitting someone else's map.

    Edited by merge:

    Also, change the title. Bungie isn't plagiarizing maps. The person submitting someone else's map and claiming it as their own work is the one plagiarizing.

    What I'd love to see is some kind of lawsuit tied to this, and the person that submitted this as his own work gets heavily penalized. That may put an end to people stealing other people's maps.
    #11 MaxSterling, Feb 9, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2011
  12. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    True enough, its hard to check every map upon submission. Once this map made it into finalists and Bungie supposedly played in a few times to see if it was worthy of MM they should have noticed then that it was stolen ;)
  13. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Anyone have a link to the map that's in MM? Who is the "author"?
  14. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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  15. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Thanks, time to hit up some of those tags. :)
  16. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    The issue (for me at least) is not whether or not they made a simple mistake and missed the edit over the original creator. The issue is the statement that Foman gave saying that is was basically allowed to take someone's map, edit it and call it your own.
  17. Negrumir

    Negrumir Forerunner

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    Actually, that's a moderator. Doesn't work for Bungie, and wasn't talking about the contest.

    We'll have to wait and see what Bungie says.
  18. Foman123

    Foman123 Forerunner

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    Let me be clear, because I am being quoted out of context and this is spreading to other websites in a hurry. That is totally unfair to both me and Bungie.

    In this context, the person to whom I was responding was complaining about a map that he put in his fileshare, someone else downloaded it and edited it, and put the edited version in HIS fileshare. In fact, the original map creator were still credited as the original author, a fact that I noted.

    Neither he nor I were speaking about submitting a map as your own creation to an official Bungie contest, and it is completely unfair to misconstrue my words in this way. Sticking a map in your fileshare and submitting a map to a contest as your own creation are two very different actions with very different implications.

    Additionally, I do NOT work for Bungie and I never have. I am a community member like the rest of you.

    Please do not quote me out of context and certainly do not use my statements as "official" Bungie statements on other websites.
    #18 Foman123, Feb 9, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2011
  19. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    But he's right. There's nothing that states you can't take someone else's map, add your own "improvements" and call it your own. You'll feel the wrath of the community once word gets out, but that's about it. I'm very interested to see if the map gets pulled, if not right away then with the next playlist update.

    edit: ohai Foman!
    #19 squidhands, Feb 9, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2011
  20. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    Having found out that someone took one of my Halo 3 maps and claimed it as their own, I completely agree. Foman is nothing more than a forum ninja. I don't think he speaks on behalf of Bungie, though.

    I recall a movie or tv show in which a student submitted someone else's paper as their own, and had the original author's consent. He got caught because the teacher kept that original term paper and recalled it. I believe that the student who plagiarized, with consent from the original author, was punished and threatened with lawsuit by the school.

    Whether we own rights to the map file or Bungie does, we still are the original creators and it's still plagiarism if someone slaps their own name on our work. Even changing a few items doesn't negate the fact that it's our work. Changing a few words on a term paper, doesn't negate the fact that a paper is plagiarized. Why should it be different for a map?

    LOL... right after I posted this I looked back on the forum and saw this post...

    *sees Foman123 reading this thread and waves to him*
    #20 MaxSterling, Feb 9, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2011
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