Underbog Underbog is my newmap, its still beeing constructed. Im at the testing stage, I have taken a few screen shots for you guys... I'll need testers,...
I'll be waiting. I remember before i got my RRoD i was practicing making new structures noone had seen before with geomerging and such. I expect alot coming from you and what you had to say. Good luck, and i'll make sure to check back when pictures are up.
was this the one you were showing me blood? oh ya, and BTW if at all possible (lol too far haha) could you tell camoflaug that I got my xbox taken away, and not to forget about me? lol you too
Awsome names, I like all of your maps, I hope this one is good too =] Also I will be watching for pics =]
* Pictures Added * I added a description also. I will be posting strategies later on, and when I get a chance I will post testing times. When its done.
Whaaa...., No I didn't I don't even know what your talking about.. lol. Whats a Bunker-window ? Lol dude, I don't know how you got in my game last night it was on inv only
Hey howcome you took away all of it, and restarted, i really liked the old version, but i guess good forgers will restart to make everything better
hey i played this yesterday... it was nice... see ur doing MASSIVE remodeling... ur pretty fast i liked it too bad the whole party got lagged apart... that wasnt cool... but o well... it was pretty fun nice to see it is getting a face lift tho
Wow, I cant wait to see how this map is going to turn out, you are really good at the beginning stage of creating templates. Looks nice
wow, you really spent all that time and deleted it? lol mabye you should have some sort of terrace thingy going on also some spastic germoerged bridge that makes a z'ish shape also when you make your next map you should kall it kara
This map looks amazing. I am looking forward to see this map, Feature worthy in my opinion. Great map dude. I can't wait to see it.
Bl00D, you should know better than to advertise =[ And if you want testers, please just post in the Map Testing Section.
I'm with Sweeny. Teaser pic sigs and blogs are more appropriate. I have a lot of respect for you as a forger bl00d, and the map looks great but I still would prefer to see this as a blog. As well, the TG is very efficient and full of very capable testers. For a map of this caliber you'll be bringing out the best of us.