Map Review: Nuiz Balance:Nuiz is a fairly balanced slayer map. There were no serious balancing issues but one thing that really got my attention is that one corner of the map was very campable and hard to spot. The Sniper Rifle is placed in a good spot that is not to close to the focal point of the map. The Rocket Launcher was a little too over powered with the spare clip but it could be a little more balanced without it. 9/10 Aesthetics:Right away when the blue team spawns you get a nice overlook on the center bridge. The bridge was made of various pieces that aren't used very often and clash well together. Right away when the red team spawns you get a nice look at the side hallway/bridge. This bridge was connected to a rock wall that blends in nicely with the pieces that were used. This bridge had pillars made of well know pieces but these pieces were used differently than usual (Brace Large). The walls were built with good blocks that weren't easy to reconize. On one of the walls, the forger could have added a small structure that would look good and would fill up that empty spot in his map. The forger used the bottom of a gravity lift in the area were a teleporter was located. He used rocks and under used blocks to their full potential. I noticed some small Z-Fighting on the walls and some misalignments on the floors. As these small errors are hard to spot during a competitive game of slayer, there is no doubt that the aesthetics on this map are very well done. 9/10 Creativity:I have seen a couple maps built in this kind of way, but how this forger exucuted his map was well done. It was done differently because of his use of neglected blocks, it looked and played differently then I thought it would have. I cant really judge on how his maps usualy have the same resemblance, but if he would have done a few things differently than usual I would give it a 10/10. 9.5/10 Enjoyment:Enjoyment is when a player would like to play a map again and again. Nuiz has a different kind of gameplay that makes players want to do better each time they play. I have played Nuiz many times with very skilled players, when I host a custom game lobby they always want to play Nuiz. I noticed that each time it is played the gameplay becomes better and better. But for the noncompetitive players and/or unskilled players, they usualy quit early or just don't play. This problem usualy has nothing to do with a map but in this case it does.In main parts of this map there is no cover or just not enough of it. The unskilled and/or noncompetitive players can just run up into battle without any cover. There is a good chance they will be killed several times, which can get very annoying. 8.5/10 Final Marks: 9+8.5+9.5+9=36 36/40
Did you mean to post here? Its hard for this to be relevant without any way to download or at least see the map
I don't think this is RH since it doesn't follow RH guidelines or format. For example, what is up with that scoring? Also, NEVER use "I" "me" or "my" in any review. There were a couple of fragment statements as well in there. I haven't gone over spelling yet.