Map preview (No-Name)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by hallowhead1, Jun 12, 2011.

  1. hallowhead1

    hallowhead1 Forerunner

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    I want to forge so badly right now but i am stuck doing homework. I wish homework was all about forging lol. I am finnishing up a map and its tedious work that takes time and its gets exciting. I can't wait to finnish be on the lookout. I am going to add as many gametypes as i can add. As of know its team slayer ctf, and others.

    Here are some picture small preview of the map. This is basically just the backbone of the map, not fancy jewerly added yet.

    #1 hallowhead1, Jun 12, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2011
  2. Xun

    Xun The Joker

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    Youre probably going to get rained down on by one of the mods for not really having a point to your thread, man. Just a friendly warning, theyre likely going to see this as spam, so you should probably include some kind of preview or something, else they lock it. ; )
  3. Silentraine

    Silentraine Forerunner

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    May I ask what your map consists of in general so far and what you are aiming for looks wise? I may can give you some help forging if you do need it. Life is a buzzkill sometimes :) and if you do happen to have any screenshots so far post them id be interested in seeing it.
  4. hallowhead1

    hallowhead1 Forerunner

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    True i will post some pictures later, its a competitive type map. I made it into a along rectangle with semicircles at the end. Its based in forgeworld and there is a basement that is flooded (slightly underwater). Then there is going to be a upper level that is enclosed with a few openings to shoot down to ground level with two crossing walkways.

    I need some type of protection system for people on the ground level if anyone has any idea please post them.

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