Hi all, I am in the process of forging Halo 3's Avalanche & I am looking for some forger's that would like to contribute in the making and testing of this old school map in Halo 5's forge. I have currently started with making the two bases but I would like some help in making other things. I want it to be like a forgehub project if you anyone is interested in building this map along with me please send a friend request to ObiJ3ff and I will invite you to the game. I will be sure to post pictures of the progress.
Sounds like a fine idea as long as proper credit is given to all contributors. I may pitch in some, but probably more with aesthetic work after its blocked out
Most of the map is put together accept some of the blue base portal area. We are in the process of fixing the bases and the center area. Right now the center area is a little to tall. I will be doing a walk through tomorrow. Of course everyone who helped work on the map will be given credit.
I have taken many pics of the map. I am working on the map to finish it. I should be finishing it up later this week.
--- Double Post Merged, Jan 12, 2016 --- Hi What is your gamer tag and I will add you.. I need somone to help me aswell