Map Preview: 99X Redemption. By:Koreboosest Jake Ello forgehub! I had recently made a map and wanted to see if it is good enough for the halo community. I am still working on the map itself. I just need spawn points and weapon placements, but I'm not very good at that. I am not use to putting spawn points in the right places, and putting weapons where they seem best at. Also I think the map needs to be bigger, but I'm not really sure.I have a video of the map. (I'm not sure how to put youtube videos but I'll give it a shot.) Here it is: YouTube- Halo 3 Map Preview:99X Redemption If it worked then I should high-five myself since no one else will.... I also require testers to see if it's good enough. I am taking open ideas that can improve it. I will credit you. Also it goes along with a gametype that is still work in progress. The gametype requires some relation of a battl of prisoners (Like with no shields but high damage reseistence) to fight for freedom, And the map will only have covey weapons, to be more detailed, Elite weapons. No brute weapons, nor human wepons. I really need some good feedback guys so can yall help me out? And if yall want a link to the map just ask me in a msg, and I'l send it to ya, I don'y want people going around and messing with my map.
It looks mighty small. And not alot of cover it seems. The ring around the outside could be a bit bigger. I say more cover to. Interlocking is always much nicer. Nice map though little love is all it needs.