Map Post Failure Prevention_________________________________________________ Lately, I have been noticing that the majority of failed map threads (map threads that do not meet the standards) have been posted by users with a very low number of posts. (usually 1) I believe that there are a few preventative measures that when implemented (if its implemented) can reduce the number of substandard map posts. First off, set it so that a minimum of five posts is required to start a new thread. (not including the Introductions Forum) This will ensure that a new member has had the opportunity to see how a decent post looks. Second, require that all new members read the "How To Post Your Map (Read before posting)" thread before he/she is allowed to start a new topic in the maps section. This will ensure that new members understand the standards that are expected here at ForgeHub. Lastly, when a post does not meet the standards, it should be locked and moved to a new section of the forums, labeled "Failed Posts" Where it can be discussed and possibly renovated Disclamer: I do not represent ForgeHub. These are my oppinions, not law. These are meant as suggestions, not flames toward prior failed threads. Final Note: If you have any questions, comments, or concerns feel free to address them with me, in the form of a reply or PM. Thank You For Reading, ~Projectt2501~
Sounds like a really good idea. I am behind you 100% on this. Hopefully it will become a reality. ~mackmack5 :squirrel_eyebrowP.S. Shouldn't this be in the Premium Members section?) :squirrel_eyebrow:
I thought about putting it in the premium section, but decided against it. The premium section is full of immature people, and there are a lot of more mature people who have less than 100 posts, so I figured that this would yield higher results.
Ok i get your point. But wouldn't there be just as many (if not more) immature people here? Hopefully people that don't have anything constructive to say wont post. ~mackmack5
Allright, I see what you're getting at. If someone with the authority to do so would move this to the premium section, I would greatly appreciate it.
Lol and meanwhile, no one had **** to say about it... I agree with this.. but you cant stop it from happening. No matter what you there is always going to be some dumb little kid who is all "omgomgomgomgomg"and posts his crappy map without reading anything... adding even more rules than there are right now is going to make the staff look even more like communist dictators than they already do (lol) so.. yea its not going to work dude,,, soooorrrryyyy
Freaky. I was thinking about this a few hours ago. Anyway, I have weak support for a minimum post count before being able to post a thread. While I do think it is a good idea (and I've considered it myself), it could potentially scare off someone from posting their map. Granted, a majority of them are... sub par, but it could stop someone posting something that's unbelievably amazing. Also, the Customer Service forum will be buried under "Y can't i post nwe 1337 mapz"-type threads. That being said though, I still am for it though. This will certainly discourage the 'post and run' people that we've all come to know and loathe. If they hang around for a bit, then they may see this as a great community, and decide to stick around. I wish there was a way to force people to read the rules and suggestions on how to post a map though. How about an e-mail once they reach a certain number of posts (or when they register) that details how to post maps. Then, to ensure that the person at least glanced though it, put a password (or parts of a password) embedded (not at the top/bottom/easily seen) within the information on how to post.
I had been thinking something like this, so it's like you read my mind and put it on paper. I think that if you join the forum, you MUST read the posting guidelines before posting. You shouldn't be able to tell from the post alone how long a person has been on FH. My first map post is just as good as my last map post, and nobody could tell that it was my first map on FH. But I don't think that flaming teh nubs is ok either Titmar. I think that the noobs should have the thread moved right away, so he doesn't have 20 people telling him he's doing it wrong and perhaps turning him away from the forums. But still, the noobs need to learn that this isn't Bungie, we have standards here.
Huh...? Technically, you aren't supposed to "advertise" a map at all, it breaks the rules. I think what you mean to say is "post", refering to making a new thread...
Make it so whenever someone post a map poorly, all the guilders can whip him with a wet noodle! ~mackmack5P.S. No, I'm not joking!! P.P.S. Just joking :squirrel_giggle: P.P.P.S. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
i would make it so if you have less than 5 post and you try to start a thread in the maps section it takes you too the rules and then click the link at the bottom of the rules page that will bring back to start a thread
this is a great idea, but there is no way to make anyone reads the rules. You can show them the rules, but they don't have to read them. Other that that, SVEET!!! I am behind this 102%
Well,l you could make it so that when you sign up one of the steps is reading it as part of the rules. This would make it so there would be no excuse, you would have to have read it to become a member.