Map Planning: Opinions about Initial Spawn and Power Weapons

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by SmartAlec13, Dec 7, 2015.

  1. SmartAlec13

    SmartAlec13 Ancient
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    So over the summer I began planning and thinking about what kind of map I wanted to make. Playing Skyrim, I realized the city of Markarth (one of my favorite cities) would be a great Halo map, especially with the new movement mechanics of Halo 5.

    Now I don't want to do a 1-to-1 remake of the map, but I do want it to be heavily inspired by it.

    The true question I bring is Initial Spawns, Power Weapons, and possibly any modifications you think the map would need in order for balance.

    For Reference:




    Thanks for the input!

    Note: The art and video are not my own. I do have a penned sketch in my notebook though.

    I was thinking I would have both teams spawn in the lower areas of the map. One team would spawn by #3, while one would spawn by #16.

    EDIT: I added another image for reference. And for some reason, the second one keeps downsizing, and I cant find any others that are bigger.

    EDIT: Added another image, with possible spawn points and weapon locations. I would make the blue team spawn area a bit bigger, since right now it is a little cramped.
    The above is a short album of doodles
    #1 SmartAlec13, Dec 7, 2015
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2015
  2. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
    Forge Critic Banned Senior Member

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    The second you said markarth I got hyped! Skyrim is one my favorite games and that's one of the coolest cities
  3. MrBamble

    MrBamble Legendary
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    I wish I could contribute more bud, but I am unfamiliar with the City of Markarth and it's layout. The map looks a little chaotic and large. I guess it would help me if you supplied more information around you design goals. Things like the player count you are shooting for (Vehicles?) or it's primary gametype.

    From what I gather from the map it seems that it might require a refinement towards simplification to encourage engagements across each section of the map. It looks as though portions of the map would go unused and are overexposed as a 1 to 1 remake. Since you are not planning to make a 1 to 1 remake I would love to see some of your sketches sliced up to show each floor with arrows on staircases pointing towards the lower section so that I can grasp the verticality better.

    For me personally, it is difficult to establish a spawn system and incentive layout without having pretty specific outlines of the levels geometry. However, from what I think I can make out from the supplied map image, a spawn at #3 and #16 would create a really fast path to engagements via the route between #1 and #11/#4. This also seems to give the #16 spawn a height advantage which would make for a such a strong deterrent that the #3 spawn would be essentially forced up the #9/#8 path. With the #3 spawn team typically avoiding the path towards #16, they would have their backs to the height advantage #16 spawn. If your set on these locations the spawn layout might improve in my opinion if you close off the section from #11 to #1 with a structure to balance out the height advantage with an aggressive path through or over the new structure with a sneaky path through the water under the bridge.
  4. SmartAlec13

    SmartAlec13 Ancient
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    Yeah, tell me about it! I was playing it on the summer, and at one point I was standing right outside the house (the one way up in the corner) and looking out, I was like "wow, this could be a Halo map".

    The primary gametype would be 4v4 Slayer. The layout looks chaotic, but it is actually more simple than Plaza (seriously, Plaza still trips me up sometimes, though i love it). Basically, the map is a circle around the central building, with a scaling-up in height from one side of the map to the other.

    And yeah. I will definitely do some sketching tomorrow or tonight and see what I can come up with.

    Also, I like your thoughts on the spawns. I am not set on the spawns, they just seemed like relatively even areas from distance to the highest areas.

    I will continue to look at it and brainstorm more. Thanks for the feedback!

    EDIT: I added another picture for reference
    #4 SmartAlec13, Dec 7, 2015
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2015

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