Hey guys. I am currently working on three maps and I expect to finnish them around the same time. So I started to wonder whether I should make three threads or just post a map pack. Here are some of my thoughts on the pros and cons of each: Map Pack: Pros: -Only takes one thread which saves space in competitive maps for other ppl -dont have to load up three different threads if u want to view them all -if some1 only wants to see one map the other two would be "advertised" Cons: -If I want to provide enough pix to give a thorough depiction of each map there will be a lot of pix(and I wont be able to post over 20 pix for all three combined I think?) which would annoy some ppl -If one map is feature material then the other two might "drag it down" in the eyes of the staff -There would be a lot of text that ppl wont bother to read ~~~~~~ Individually Posted: Pros: -I can post more pix for each map -Ppl will be more likely to read descriptions -If I finnish one sooner than expected I can go ahead and post it -Each map will get more individual attention Cons: -I would spam the competitive maps forum a little -Ppl would click on the one with most stars and ignore the others THis is for map packs in general not just in my case. Also, if your map pack gets featured does that make u premium or would it be more likely for them to feature just the best map?
i think that you should go for individual posts. because you dont know exactly when you will finish a map you might finish one sooner then the other one even through you said you are expecting to finish them at the same time. soo i guess it is your decision.
i say map pack ppl really like that sort of thing if it has a catchy name and 3 good maps allso in ur sig u can hav more maps advertised, think about it but truly got wat u thinks best for u