I dont know if anyone else has had this happen, but for some reason my map name never loads... EXAMPLE: Previous map was Hemorrhage, I load up my Forge map called Darkness Falls, it loads the map properly but still displays the name as Hemorrhage, How do I get it to load the name?
Assuming when you saved it you changed the name, then this shouldn't happen, I don't know why it would.
This is the wrong area, it should be moved to Reach forge discussion or another area. This area is for screen shots and videos.
As thehatofwin said this is the wrong section to post this. I have had the same trouble but this is only when i forge online with my mates. Are you forging online with your mates?
Yeah, I was really tired when I posted this....I had the Forge Discussion Forum Open, must have accidentally clicked New Thread in the wrong tab... If it could be moved that would be nice... And I was forging online, but alone... When I go to the maps list it has the right name, its just when I try to load it that it doesn't load the name.