Hi, I recently submitted a map of mine and am eagerly anticipating its introduction to the forgehub community. However, after a period of waiting with no word from -I don't know- Moderators?- I grow concerned of a possiblility that my map may have fallen through the cracks and may never see the light of day here. In the hope that it may quench my fear, I ask you how long, on average, it takes for a map to be moderated and introduced from the time that you submit it. Any help is welcome, and thank you.
Umm...... there is no such thing as this. If you post a map in the map section, something that anybody can do without any fear as long as they follow the rules, then you did it right. If nobody posts, thats a problem. Where exactly did you submit this map... Im so confused?
Geez.. I'm sorry, I must have been trying to post my map wrong. That would explain some dificulties I was having... don't ask. Anyway, let me get this straight: in order to post a map, I am supposed to go to the Forum > Halo 3 Forge Maps > (any one of the sub categories) > New thread right? I must sound like a complete idiot, so thanks for helping me out here.
Yes that's all you do. You put all the information into your thread (Description, Screenshots, Links, etc.) and then just hit the "Submit Thread" button at the bottom. A new thread will be created and people will be free to view and post in your thread. The only thing Moderators do within the map forums are infract those who post spam (posts that don't contain relevance, posts that bump threads, posts that attack or insult others, and any post that doesn't contribute to the thread in some way) and lock threads upon the creators request or threads that don't meet the requirements.
Alright, thanks alot for your help. Now, hopefully, I can get to posting my maps publicly. Thanks again, guys.
For future reference, questions should be posted in Customer Service (which is just above the General Chat forum). LOCKED.