Map Ideas

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Tripp, Oct 16, 2010.

  1. Tripp

    Tripp Forerunner

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    I'm rebuilding one of my old favorites, Gophers on your lawn. It was going good until a bunch of new ideas started to come up, So naturally I thought to come here.

    For those of you who don't know the game here is the link. Gophers on your Lawn.

    So I'm going to add the basics.
    *Rock surface on bottom.
    *The chutes.
    *And more.

    But this is were I need help. Some things that I have wondered.
    *Give zombies long/infinite jetpack to stay up there longer? (I'm a little, ehh on this one)
    *Should I build some holes with platforms to stand on instead of the jetpack idea?
    *Should I build it on land for Gophers area, or should i just line it with rocks?
    *If I line it with rocks should I just build it randomly in air?
    *What type of new underground Aesthetics should I build?
    *What type of new above ground Aesthetics should I build?

    All ideas are welcome, And for you who leave them thank you.

    *If you are thinking "Wow, this guy just doesn't want to think of anything on his own..." This is not why I ask all of this. The real reason I ask is because I looked at the polls and less then 50% of the people thought it was "great". Sure 25% said it was good too, But I want to make it so It can get at least over the 50% hump.*

    Once again, Thank you.


    Added after 6 Hours 9 minutes:

    After build a little bit of my map I have some things down, but then there is more to do.

    Here Are a few photos.



    So most of my plan are in there already, but i was wondering if these are good, what I could change, what should be removed, ect.

    Some Ideas I had are...

    *Put ramps at chutes instead of jumping.
    *Use aesthetics from last map.
    *Make rocks where humans are so there harder to shoot.

    These are the only ideas I've had so far, but the map still has a long way to come.

    Pleas help, All ideas are welcome.


    #1 Tripp, Oct 16, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2010

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