Hello, there may possibly already be a thread asking the same thing as I am about to ask. Here is a thread for anyone to post aesthetic maps they'd like to see from other Forgers. Like for instance, I would really love to see, -yes, a nerdy and possibly childish request- a Pokemon map remake? You know, each town from one of the games put into one level. And maybe it could be a great infection map, just saying. Like, there could be grass areas and inside the grass the zombies could hide and kill the humans. I personally would love to see a level very much like that. And zombies can't enter the towns, if they do they respawn somewhere else in the level, kind of like a wondering legendary. And the humans can only be in the towns for a short period of time, to restrain from camping, maybe have a soft kill barrier for the towns so each town you are only aloud to be in for 10 seconds, but within the town is possibly a health kit but they have to search for it and maybe some ammo somewhere hidden too. Anyways, those are some ideas, and I would love to do it but I am no where near that kind of skill, or patience. So if anyone thinks that this is a good idea and would like to do it, PM me or send me a message via Xbox, I might have a few ideas for it and may possibly be able to help Forge a little, not sure I will be that great though. Anyone else have ideas? Post them here! Now we just have to hope Forgers read this. Lol Gamertag: The Mighty Dino
I whant an invasion map like the elites or spartans needs steal enemy inteligence and get back to their ship to escape. This is my idea ^^ thanks for read this. and for infection something to run away to a safe place whit a lot of zombies behind you like a survirvor team game
These are already part of the game. That's the whole point of Invasion =| As for ideas, I'd love to see someone make something out the chess gametype. Or, something similar to the Smash Bros games, if possible.