Map Idea

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by gordofrog, Mar 6, 2008.

  1. gordofrog

    gordofrog Ancient
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    I was just talking to somone the other day and I thought of a really cool map, but Im really not that great at mapmaking so I decided to post it. I don't really care if you say it is yours either.
    The idea was a map with the basic floor at the top of foundary. there would be a few obsticales, but not many. then, the floor would have some pallets. Break the pallets to go down and then enter an underground maze with multi levels and grav lifts to get you back up.
    What do you think, can anyone make somthing like that
  2. HPssauce

    HPssauce Ancient
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    sounds like a cushdie plan - giv it a try- read interlocking objects with geo and other advanced techniques and you'll make a good map in no time
  3. gordofrog

    gordofrog Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yeah, I would, but I don't have time, my xbox is glitchy a lot, and I'm not that great at forging

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