Ok remember the part of gears of war when your walking over the wooden floor and if you went the wrong way you fell i was thinking about doing this and havening it play on infection using pallets as floors with teleporters under them and maybe a way to get back up if your fast enough what do you think?
Actually I was thinking about doing an infection horror map just like this. I would suggest using some custom powerups to hold up the pallets so that the zombies could jump up and and obtain the power-up which would cause the pallet to fall. I think that this is a wonderful idea and I look forward to seeing this implemented into a map. Make sure you have other cool things in your map as well, not just floorboards.
great idea i was thinking of maybe implementing a system where when you walked onto a area that a zombie would fall down kind of like a trap and you would die
I think that would be anice touch to infection maps but you could make if the humans falls in a thingy that there is no way out so the zombies can get them.