Well most of you have probably played or do own Halo 2. If not you may have at least seen the backwash remake. If not look it up so you get what im talking about. And as for those who have played halo ce you must remember the towers form the level halo. And from many many ce maps that we all played. Well i am going to mix ideas, by building 2 halo ce style towers based around the library entrance or Backwash's main building. Too paint a picture here is some pictures lol. What i drew up Towers i plan on re creating. Options may vary haha. Anyway think these style of towers about 3 of them based around a central tower, with terrain added, and i mean hills maybe a small cave. This may have to be budget glitched idk yet. So any comments?
If you could remake this tower exactly, I would adore you. That looks sooo sexy, especially that upper deck. I'm guessing you were planning on making this on the main level of sandbox? Because if so, you could back that tower up into the sand dunes since it is on a hill in that pic. That would be perfect. Have that base at one end and have the backwash base at the other. That would look damn good. And then, in the middle of the map, you could have the large forerunner structure (last pic) extending from the sand dunes hanging over the ground floor, maybe with a cave under it? Yeahh that would be awesome. Haha i'm starting to get excited about this and it hasnt even been started yet! But yeah, definately sounds like a great idea, just make sure you dont **** it up But judging from your previous work i know you wont let that happen. When you get to work on it, i'd be more than happy to check it out. gt: CV41
Thanks yeah i strive for perfection i hate it when i rushed something. That is why my conquest map is taking so dam long haha. But trust me i won't f this up, also RC is working on something similar so i may have him help me with this undertaking.
hey yeah you on now? im at my buddies but if your on live i'll just get back to my casa so we can talk
I vote go for it! I've always been a fan of those type of towers. It you build two multi-leveled ones facing each other, you could put the objective points on the top levels and build your backwash structure in between them. That would make for a pretty sweet map! Best of luck to you! Try not to overdo the budget glitch though. Laggy maps are no fun...
I already know there are fans out there looking for a map with these towers from halo CE. I've already flown through some architecture like this in monitor mode. Not saying who made it, but definitely SICK!! It was a work in suspended progress and I'm not sure if it will ever get finished. DOO ITT! Make it a good map and I ensure a download!!
Well i know RC has a map similar to this just sitting around lol. I look very forward to his map, but i promise if ya'll can hold out till december this map may be done. If not the due date will have to be febuary. Something of this magnitude will take an exorbitant amount of time to make and test.
I could help out if you want. Id be free in around 3/4 weeks (after all my yearly exams have finished) to help out.
Keep us posted... I would love to see the progression of the map here on the site. I'm also big on making big maps. If you ever get into a jam PM me.
I loved the style of those towers and some people tried to make them, but they really didn't accomplish them. I really hope you can pull it off, and if not, oh well. Be proud of your work. :] Remember to make it wide too. most people make it only 1 wall length. needs to be about 4.
Yeah well i know one of the main towers will be very wide, but the relic tower remake im going to add is supposed to be narrow at the front and wider at the back of it. Also if budget allows i will be added a halo ce tower in one of the corners. And maybe try a Valhalla base in the other.
It seems as if you have a very good concept going. I'm looking forward to this in the future. There aren't a whole lot a BTB maps out there, or at least not that I've seen. I myslef plan to make a huge map sometime but I'm pretty much booked for a year. It'll probably be 8-12 months before I even begin building it. This sounds very interesting, keep me updated..
Although it seems to be for aesthetics this could make a really great infection map, with flood using mancannons to jump to the high levels. Something like the flood jumping over the cliffs on Floodgate or Halo (campaign missions 5, 9)
I like this idea. You can hardly find BTB maps these days, let alone great ones. If you pull this off well, you'll get a dl. If you ever want/need help, I'll be happy to help. GT: RockyOrange77
How is the recreation going on this babay... Id love to help test this if you have it somewheeerrrrre........