Hey everybody it your friendly neighborhood GruntHunter (Hehe Spiderman refrence) with yet another map idea. So I was thinking, after seeing so many maps about the Covaneant Iceing Reach, so I thought to myself *Zach you need to make a map about a place where they would launch the bomb on reach, even though it would not be relistic having a bomb site that will launch a bomb that will Ice the whole planet with the launch facility still there, whatever does not matter that much.* So I went with the unrelistic and stupid side of me and started to build a Launch facility, so yeah, if anybody has any suggestions, comment or send me a PM. Thank you
It'd be more realistic to give it a Nuke launching facility style and back story, make a actual intact facility, styling examples, high ground, countdown, last resort, and I believe another map from halo 3 has this sort of style to it. It'd be difficult to make a realistic looking area thats been glassed(turning the impact zone into searing earth that when cooled turns to glass) by a covenant cruiser. But I'd be interested in seeing where you go with your design if you do happen to want to give it a ruined destroyed look, many launch facilitys were destroyed by the covenant themselves, either by infantry or cruisers during the war.
Forget trying to stick to Halo canon, mainly because you idea of the Covenant launching bombs to ice the planet is wrong. But sure, go for a missile launch facility. Trying to build an actual place (rather than just random blocks) can sometimes help players locate themselves during a game. Its better than spawning and all you've got to determine your location is a big grey wall.
Thanks for the feed back everyone, so I think I may make it just a launch sight, and all then it launches at the 2nd tier, the at the end of third tier, everyone dies.