Map Geometry Geometry is defined as size, shape, and relative position of figures and with properties of space. However, Map Geometry in Halo 3 is sort of a different thing. In forge, it is the layout of a map. Mainly, its highs, lows, and cover. Default Geometry is the map, such as Foundry, or any other map, untouched through forge. Maps such as, blank canvases, and money-glitched canvases normally serve as the basis for forge-created maps. I will take you through 2 types of map geometry today, Symmetrical and Asymmetrical. Symmetrical, is both sides being equal in shape, and size. And Asymmetrical is, of course, the opposite. Usually having one high side, and one low side. Symmetrical Example: Vertabraille ~ thesilencebroken Asymmetrical Example: Ramparts ~ Bl00D F1R3 -Symmetrical- Symmetrical Geometry is basically, a map that both teams sides are mirrored. Along with their starting points. Usually based around a central structure, but not always. It is always a good idea to have your teams start on the main level of the map. Not being able to see the opposing team for a good amount of time. From here each team can either ascend or descend to the control points of the map. High and Low points are essential to give both teams a place to control. High points are often accomodated with long-range weapons such as the sniper rifle. And low points with short-range such as the shotgun. Although, to give the points more of a challenge to control, they can be switched to their alternative weapon style. So, high would use short-range, and low would use long-range. Mid-points, near the center of the map on the main level are the grounds for large and powerful weapons. Such as the Rocket Launcher or Spartan Laser. Thesilenceisbroken, recently told us that he started his featured map, Vertabraille, at the center of the map. This way, he could branch out from their, and get a general idea of how his map would play out. Back onto high points, they usually have little cover to avoid having them become an overpowering section of the map. It is the opposite with low points. Having alot of cover to defend themselves from the team that has acquired the mid, or high point. -Assymetrical- Assymetrical is one team starting at a high point and the other, at either the mid point or a low point of the map. Usually, the high point is where the one-sided objective is. Making it harder to capture this point. Whether it be a hill, a flag, or a control point in slayer. As said in the Symmetrical section, the high point has a low amount of cover, and the low point a high amount of cover. For high points in assymetrical layouts, its good to have a weak, or no, power weapon to keep giving the low team more of a chance. Which means, the mid point should involve a power weapon as a maybe. And the low ponts must have a power weapon. Respawns should be placed generally around the center level, and they should have recognizable callout points. Such as, weapon spawns, main control points, and structures marked with power-ups to provide a color-callout. They should always have easy and hard jumps to get from place to place in a timely manner. Such as jumping from mid level to a high point without being noticed. This technique could be used to avoid danger and letting your team down. Normally, assymetrical maps are very fun for one-sided objective games. Such as 1 Flag, VIP, and 1 Bomb. Created by FRESH PLASMA and sdrakulich
THIS GUIDE WAS WRITTEN BY .CORE, AND HELPED WITH WRITING BY SDRAKULICH This was meant to be a helpful guide on how to start constructing your map, whatever type, in your future maps, or on your current maps, what to keep in mind while making them: ***More guides coming soon, constructed by sdrakulich and .CORE***
I already knew all this, but I like the review. The guide is VERY well written and has good grammar and all that english crap. Good job to all who wrote this!!!!!!
Pretty good guys. I'm sure this will help give beginner forgers a decent start. I like how you started with Symmetrical/Asymmetrical. A lotta people have been asking me the difference between them lately.
Thanks Nev. And I will complete Power Weapons tomorrow. After that, I will do mancannons activated by regens.
Looks like we'll become an amazing tutorial team drak. And sorry, but Im going to have to do the next tutorial tomorrow. Too much school.
A very well written guide. I'm sure many of the younger less knowledgable members will really find this useful. I have written two guides, I planned on making more but I just couldnt be bothered, the same will probably happen to you. lol.
Thanks Linu! It was moreso a guide to basics than to introduce new ideas. Also, I really hope I dont lose interest in writing tutorials. They are very helpful to myself at times too. But, you cant always delay the inevitable right?
I can definitely post here. Whether it contributes to the thread at all is another question entirely. Why did this happen?