all right here are the rules: 1. must be made on either black out or foundry 2. can only use 600$ of the budget (the only exception is if the cost of ONE puts you over some portion of the cost) 3. submissions must be made by the end of july 4. submissions must include a link to the map thread or a short description and 2 small screen shots. PRIZE: your choice of either the 12 month live subscription card or the ridiculously large number of ms points. SUBMiSSiON FORM: FH user name:xxXEXAMPLEXxx GT:xxXEXAMPLEXxx Map name: awesome mab Pictures:some pics of your map
I think you should just require a link to there thread on forgehub. And is there a prize? Or what.. Also I'm confused by rule 2.
right threads are good will change that and basicly if you go over the 600$ budget but only if it is just by some portion of the item 's cost. (i.e. I need one more crate but they cost $8 and I have $6 left until I'm over the budget of $600 that $2 over is just fine)
I dont think you've put much thought into this competition. No judges, no prize, this is very unorganized
Crap did I forget to say what the prize is sorry guys it will either be a 12 month live card or that ridiculously large ms point card. and the judges will be all of the partisipants in the contest and you can vote for your own map.
I believe that the point value is 4000, and a link is required in the submission and please follow the form.
hey if you win you can deiced. so far we have no opposition to the one map posted and that didn't even follow the guide lines.