Map: Atlantis?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by HitsugaXIII, Dec 25, 2011.

  1. HitsugaXIII

    HitsugaXIII Forerunner

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    So I'm planning on creating, well, Atlantis. Question is, would I have enough money and pieces to create Atlantis? So I'm asking for the help of you fellow forgers. Should I attempt to build a full-scale Atlantis, or just a small section/portion of Atlantis that would still be pretty big.

    At the same time, I'm still debating on whether or not I should keep the map in forgeworld or glitch it outside to the wide ocean area.

    Now as for the general idea of the map itself:

    As it turns out, forerunners were the ones who created Atlantis long ago. Humans found this majestic island and lived upon it for awhile. However, after awhile, they stumbled across some forerunners technology and somehow activated a self destruct device that made the whole island teleport to foreign lands. As a result, all the people died, and Atlantis is in ruins. Many, many years later; however, UNSC troops come across this grand structure upon forgeworld and realized this is none other than the famed "Atlantis."

    With this map, I attempt to mix both Human folklore and Halo folklore into one.
    Also, if by any chance anyone would ever want to help me with this project, I wouldn't mind :) However, currently, I'm limited in my overall forging because of one thing: I'm nowhere near my Xbox haha xD
    #1 HitsugaXIII, Dec 25, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2011
  2. xDTx Kaos

    xDTx Kaos Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I would say do a small portion that way you could keep a decent amount of aesthetics. This actually sounds like a pretty cool concept. Im honestly surprised no one else has attempted this before. If you ever need help with forging or ideas, hit me up. I'd like to see how this turns out.
  3. HitsugaXIII

    HitsugaXIII Forerunner

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    Mmk.. Sounds good. If I ever need help, I'll ask for it (Which I probably will.. Forging with others is just a load of fun). I was also surprised that no one had attempted this, so I figured why not? But yeah, I like the idea of a smaller portion. Then I could use aesthetics to make it look like the rest of the map is still underwater.
  4. Silentraine

    Silentraine Forerunner

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    A smaller portion would be better on the budget and allow you to squeeze in aesthetics as you like, I'd say large enough for squad slayer would be the best way to go. And as far as glitching it to the sandbox ocean beyond the barrier, It really depends on your feelings about lighting, if you want a purer brighter appearance to the map then I'd say breaking the barrier is the way to go. I would be interesting in helping with this project if you need some help designing certain aesthetics.

    Just let me know what kind of layout and look you plan to go for on this :).
  5. HitsugaXIII

    HitsugaXIII Forerunner

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    Hmm I was thinking about this, and I think I have a general basic layout/foundation.

    Also I was thinking.. Maybe I should make the map infection capable as well. That would always be a fun/decent add to the map.

    As for some of the general architecture involved, I found 2 pictures that can help.


    After looking at the pictures, I figured I could easily create the archway bridges using Tunnels. Along one of these bridges, I'm imagining a domed building (I remember something similar being made by one of the guys from THFE; however, I forgot what piece they used..)

    Now my biggest concern though is, how do I also add a modern-ish feel to ancient ruins. I mean, after all, this was discovered to be forerunner made.
    #5 HitsugaXIII, Dec 25, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2011
  6. Silentraine

    Silentraine Forerunner

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    Those are really nice pictures to start a idea around, reminds me a bit of a sketchup Nexn did a while back that was designed as a mini Atlantis, and was posted on forge design database. I'll see if I can look that one up he had some unique ideas for a take on it. Tunnels or Doors would work well for the archway bridges, I kind of feel like Doors will work best for a mix of both modern and ancient appearance with Windows as the Railings. I found using Bridge Smalls, together with a 1x2 or 1x4 Block piece putting the Bridge Smalls at the top of the Block piece upside down and at the bottom facing up gives a nice forerunner hallway appearance. This provides that area with a domed appearance or you can go further with this and use dish pieces.

    But if you want it to look like a more modern forerunner design I would use Ramps to give the area a slanted and angled but vertical appearance, similiar to the interior of The Silent Cartographer and Citadel. You can also add small aesthetic touches to the walls by indenting a area then covering it with a shield wall like epitaph has in its design, and adding either human or covenant scenery to give it a occupied feel.
    For the flooring, I'd go with a similiar look as the maps Lux and Platypus but with a different piece use to give it a underwater feel, and making the map itself within the interior of Atlantis.

    Though im not sure if you have Halo CE or Halo 3? But I can get you some pictures or some designs on forge if not to show you what I mean :).
    #6 Silentraine, Dec 25, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2011
  7. HitsugaXIII

    HitsugaXIII Forerunner

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    Yeah I have an idea of what you're talking about. Hmm.. I'll wait 'til I get back on my xbox to try some things for the Archways. As for the domed building, I think you're talking about a domed hallway, and I was thinking more of a domed building in the middle of the bridge kind of like what you see in the first picture in the middle near the bottom. I may be wrong, but I'm half asleep right now lol.

    The underwater feel texture wasn't what I had in mind but it could work... Could you post some screenshots of those maps? I'm not sure what they are like.

    Also, I was planning on using the water itself to help out with the map. Having some parts of the map be somewhat flooded and others not would be an interesting appeal I think. Speaking of which, I had an idea for one of the main buildings the bridges may lead to. Imagine walking into a building, and the main floor of the building is slightly flooded.
  8. Silentraine

    Silentraine Forerunner

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    Ill do a rough build up of some of the ideas you have given me about what your going for as well and see what you think when your back on xlive. Oh I know what your talking about, its very possible to create a building or ceiling with that domed appearance normally it just takes time to place everything correctly more than anything.

    As far as the flooded feel it could work well, as well as adding fountain/canal like areas to give it a temple vibe. Most of the time if your aiming for that kind of style depending on your forging abilities you can leave people awestruck by the maps scenery alone.

    Only thing you have to be careful about is not pushing the flooded underwater areas to far that it would deal a fatal blow to gameplay, I have seen maps that have failed to capture it right. The main floor of the building could be some what collasped or simply a small area is flooded, which would be interesting and something you dont see often. You also want the map to have some vertical gameplay in its design, the bridges would be perfect for that :).

    Heres the links to there forgehub threads, the designers are some of the best on here but I will also find some time to post non special fx screenshots and some design ideas.
    Platypus, not sure how well u can see the water texture, its implented in the 2x2 block flats.
    Lux, which is a very beautiful map with alot of aesthetics, was one of the first I saw use the water within blocks effect and actually make it look natural.
  9. HitsugaXIII

    HitsugaXIII Forerunner

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    Haha mmk thanks... But uh yeah, I'm not gonna go crazy with the underwater theme. Too much of something is always bad. What I am planning to do though, although it may cost a tad bit more, is make it seem like a portion of the map that would lead further into Atlantis has sunk. It wouldn't be accessible, but uh yeah.

    Also I'm liking your ideas. Since this is a "ruins" map, it fits well. Also thanks with the rough drafts.

    Whether this project is a success or not, I know I'm going to enjoy working on it.
  10. Southern

    Southern Forerunner

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    You have me hooked on this idea. I read the thread, and saw that you were interested in making this for Infection. Here's my proposal:
    I took the second picture, then divided it into 4 parts that could be their own map. This way, you could make a campaign style Infection series, kind of like this:
    However, since my proposal calls for it to all be in the same area, you would have to use transitions, kind of like the ones in this:
    Now I'll explain the sections.
    1. This is the bridge area. Humans have to enter Atlantis, but the infected are in the city, and attack them on the bridge. This section would end at the rocks at the end of the bridge, probably to a tunnel of some sort.

    2. After coming out of the tunnel, humans end up at the port. The entrance to the city is on the opposite end of the port, so they have to fight their way across. End this maybe with a gate.

    3. This is the midtown. Humans must push through here to get to the temple, (part 4) pretty simple, urban area going uphill. End with a blocked passage (rocks falling) in front of a building they need to go through.

    4. Humans are in the last few buildings, and must push into the temple, to find out its secret. Make it big, and leave space between it and the buildings to give it the grand majestic feeling.

    Well, I hope this helps. Think of it as a belated Christmas present.
  11. HitsugaXIII

    HitsugaXIII Forerunner

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    Hmm that's interesting. Making a multitude of maps to show Atlantis. Could work pretty well. Thanks for the idea. I'll see how things will go.

    @Silent: If you make any rough builds could you show some screenies?

    Edited by merge:

    Hmm Idea..... 3-4 archway bridges. If it's 3 archway bridges, then one of them will be in "ruins" shape. It would be a cool effect to see one of the archways look collapsed, and ruined. Then on this archway, we could have another mini domed building except it's also ruined.

    What I mean by a mini domed building
    #11 HitsugaXIII, Dec 26, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2011
  12. Silentraine

    Silentraine Forerunner

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    Sure thing id be happy to add some screens, I'm trying to decide what the best place would be to work on something like this. So far im kind of liking the idea of putting it behind the barrier closest to the pillar, so the pillar, waterfall, and island are all in view. This way each section of the design can have a bit of different scenery, and a little feeling of alien life outside of the metal box.
    I'm thinking ill build a pretty large map there to see just how room you have to add to behind the barrier, then start working on a design similiar to the pictures with the ideas I've posted.

    And I agree, to much of a good thing normally leads to a very bad thing or something that messes up the flow entirely. A Infection series or standalone map is a nice idea, but I feel it helps to make it compatible for both a infection game and a real competitive team game as well. It will make the map itself stand out and give itself more personality, I also like the small domed building it would not be that hard to make a good example of it in forge.

    You'll notice on those maps once you get to look at them in forge that the blocks add the effect of walking on water in a sense. I'm thinking 2x2 blocks will work best though and provide you enough space between the water and flooring to keep a clean appearance. No water running over the flooring now and then, may I ask what color you had in mind for the theme?
  13. Silentraine

    Silentraine Forerunner

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    Im not quite sure who they are, but I also have reported them for inappropriate spam. Conversations are fine, but you shouldnt say things like a get life or post inappropriate links talking about another member. We are all friends here and this topic is to help one such friend with a tough and challenging project so please be respectful.
  14. HitsugaXIII

    HitsugaXIII Forerunner

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    Lol... That dou*** is my cousin.

    Anyways, If the map was to be outside of the barrier, I was planning to have forge world as scenery. You thought the same. Making the map compatible for both slayer and infection would be an incredible thing to do.

    If you could make the domed building, could you show me and explain how you did it?

    Off the top of my mind, I don't remember what a 2X2 block looks like. I have the shape, not the texture. As for color theme, I'm not sure yet. I do know though, that I want the infection version to be darker... Fx maybe?
  15. Silentraine

    Silentraine Forerunner

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    Lol, I figured it was just some random person seem to get those at times.

    Same here, I figured that forge world itself would be nice and give it a more open air feel. Can still provide plenty of areas for water within though, I feel outside the barrier benefits it more especially the lighting. Inside forge world at times is just to dark or the shadows get pretty annoying, I plan to start building it tonight as that will give me a break away from these remakes for Foreign Treasures II.

    Ill more than likely build it using corner 2x2s, to give it the round shape and use blocks to fill in the spaces to make it larger. From there Ill work on making the columns out of block pieces at first, and see how that will end up looking. I plan to also build a small fountain area, maybe add some natural looking rock design and tin cups for grass within it to make the map feel more alive. I should be able to post some screenshots today or tommorrow to see what you think of my ideas on it :).

    And sorry about not replying sooner had a busy day yesterday, I'll also see what I can do for infection gametypes to make it very playable.
  16. HitsugaXIII

    HitsugaXIII Forerunner

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    Haha it's alright.. I was somewhat busy myself. For now, I think we should focus on the map itself and see how things turn out first. Afterwards, we'll see what we can do with infection. I can't wait to see some screenshots.

    What concerns me currently is budget. How much would our budget allow us to build? I hope we can build a decent amount.
    #16 HitsugaXIII, Dec 28, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2011
  17. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I just skimmed the thread, so hopefully nothing I say will be redundant.

    Anyway, I think this is a really cool idea. I would suggest taking visual inspiration from some of those Atlantis pictures, but actually designing the map's layout yourself. You could have some really cool asymmetrical maps come out of this, all with an interesting unifying theme. If you have three or four maps (I think four might be overdoing it) you could create a rather cool variety of playspaces. Just try experimenting in forge to create an Atlantis theme, and then try to incorporate that theme into your layouts for each map. I look forward to seeing some screenshots of the actual map(s) soon.
  18. Silentraine

    Silentraine Forerunner

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    :) Totally understandable, I mostly do my map work at night since Ive had alot of busy days lately. And I'd say you can push budget pretty far depending on what kind of project and look your going for. What I'm working on at the moment should be large enough to support up to 6 vs 6 just fine, I'm trying to actually build it onto the island itself inbetween the Horseshoe print. Since going by the actual atlantis myths it isnt just a pile of metal, and the forerunners themselves excel at creating natural beauty so I feel the combination could work well, plus the water around the island is very calm.

    I plan to work on it all night tonight and get myself caught it on it since my Contest Projects have came along really well. I also feel if you want to really create a different experience, even with multiple maps why not create them each in seperate areas of forgeworld, Atlantis was said to be massive and laid out on a gigantic island. So for me its not to hard to believe if partially destroyed and transported in a sense to a ring world or another forerunner construct that it wouldnt all be in the same exact area some of Atlantis could very well be buried or underwater as you've brought up as well.

    And thank you so much duck, I figured I would pitch in myself and see what could come out of it. I've always been a fan of the Atlantis stories and itd be nice to really put alot of effort into designing something that really gives a Atlantis vibe and also a different gameplay experience as well. I myself am a fan of asymmetrical designs, and im hoping the plan is to really show that on this project and to make it more of a tug of war map to always keep teams on the move because I seriously despise camping.

    But whats your opinion duck what kind of asymmetrical designs do you think play the best for the most part? A design like Damnation or Sword base where vertical play and patience is almost always neccessary. Or something more simple like Midship and Orbital where the gameplay is more hectic and in your face? Any ideas are more than welcome :).

    Edited by merge:

    I will be posting some screenshots in a couple days of what I've came up with so far. Its been enjoyable going through the pictures you've posted and also looking up some others to see how creative I should get. At the moment I'm doing some finishing up on the middle of the map, which includes a realistic fountain and small canal below what will end up being Rocket spawn. I'm unsure if Ill add a simple bridge across the canal or ramps around its edges, as its easily jumped out of and the edges provide plenty of cover while crouched.

    I'm also sketching out a good BTB/Invasion design for us so give me your opinion on what you would like to see out of it and we can work on that one together once your able to get your live up on and running :). In other news I'm close to finishing these remakes for FT2 so I will soon have plenty of free time to work on this project.
    #18 Silentraine, Dec 31, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2011
  19. HitsugaXIII

    HitsugaXIII Forerunner

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    I apologize for my absence. With the holidays I've been busy. In about a week, I'll be back and I would be able to start forging again. I look forward to seeing some screenshots. Doing invasion would be an interesting idea, and in doing so we could probably add effects to not only make it look more like ruins, but have it be futuristic as well. But what does that do for infection? I've made an invasion map that was infection capable before. Although it was modded, I still find that it was tough to really do much with it.
  20. luckiesnipes

    luckiesnipes Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Using a modded canvas is always an option, if you don't post it. I'm not saying I encourage it, but to make a map that large it's really your best bet.

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