I made this map one day when i was bored and my friends were offline, all the feedback i have received was excellent and i finally thought i should share this great infection map. Goes well with HAUNTED Gametype
Im sorry you didn't embed your pictures, but your post isn't up to ForgeHub standards and I'll provide you with a link. Here it is: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/custo...edding-your-screenshots-your-maps-thread.html
As you are new here at forgehub, it's only natural your post isn't up to standards. You really should read the guides first. For a map post, it is essential you put a link to the map on bungie community files. Read the two links on my file share and you should be fine. NO-ONE FLAME THIS POST AFTER THIS!
alright no more pics comments after this... First, go to Bungie.net to your page. Find the Screenshot Viewer, and double click the screenshot which you choose to upload. When you do this, an option should pop up asking you what you want to do with the file. Your screen should look like this: This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1024x427 and weights 349KB. Click Save to Desktop, or wherever you would like to save it to. Next, go to a site like Image hosting, free photo sharing & video sharing at Photobucket to host your image. If you do not have an account, create one. When you have your account made, go to your photo album. There is a blue bar that says "Choose files" that should look like this: Click that blue bar, where the red arrow points to(arrow added for dramatic effect). Upload from wherever you saved the file. Now, after the file has uploaded, scroll down the page to your picture's thumbnail. There is a list of options, like this: Copy the highlighted link, or direct link where the arrow is. And yes, that is Chris Hanson Last step is coming back to here, where you enter the final direct link into the code( [ img]link[ /img] ) without the spaces. Hopefully, that hepls you out. Any questions, PM me