So earlier today I was going through Explore, attempting to clean up and organize some files, when I came across the uncompleted intro that was intended to be used for the Manifest: Help's on the way, right? Machinima. Obviously, it never came to be, but I figured that it was doing no good just sitting on my hard-drive, and decided that I'd upload it to Youtube. Of course, being Youtube, uploading issues ensued (audio kept dropping out of sync) so I resorted to MPEG-2 file type which, for whatever reason, made the video a little bit darker than what was actually intended. With that said, enjoy that which shall never come to be. YouTube - Manifest: Uncomplete Prologue Intro
You would be quite right about that, I only just realized my mistake. You'd think I'd catch such a blunder after typing it out multiple times.
Oh right, i remember helping out with this. Me being the noob turret guy who keep missing his que lol.. Still i wish you did complete it, it was a wonderful idea
Haha, and you kept throwing the warthog off it's course. But this is still happening, just not with the prologue. We decided to forgo this one and just begin with the next Manifest.
When's the next manifest map... actually, how is the next manifest map coming along? (that's a better question)
It comes, it comes. But if you really want to know what's going on, then... Make sure you subscribe to ManifestSeries today!- and keep up to date with all the latest and greatest of infection fun! Join now and get a free t-shirt! Leave a donation, and we'll make that two free t-shirts! Happiness guaranteed. In all seriousness, yes there will be more in due time, and we'll be setting something up so that people who care will be able to keep up to date with Manifest and see it's progress as the weeks drawl on.