
Discussion in 'Featured Maps' started by Vicious Vice, Feb 17, 2009.


What do you think of this map?

  1. Not My Style

  2. Okay

  3. Average

  4. Good

  5. Great

  1. DieHardAssassin

    DieHardAssassin Ancient
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    Aesthetically, this map is amazing, and the idea behind it is as well. One of the few infection games that isn't just run, get shot, die, get lucky, kill a few humans...etc. However, it is breakable, which is very annoying. Also, the humans can easily camp out the truck and the final room before the rockets, which is very very annoying. Feature worthy, maybe, but it could be better. I look forward to the future follow-ups to this Manifest.

    xCHUCKLES HOODx Ancient
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    terribly sorry but this map is just not feature worthy to me.....
  3. sourdauer

    sourdauer Ancient
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    its nice to see another infection map in the favorites, in my opinion there arent enough of them... i can see why you would not make this innescapable, if it isn't necessary and it takes up objects that could be put to better use than why do it right?
    #43 sourdauer, Feb 18, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2009
  4. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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    FYI, you're the victims of photobucketfail.
  5. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    Wow, 2 times now our map has been viewed too many times in a month, that it exceeded our bandwith. In a way, I find it quite the accomplishment. We'll get on it right away though.
  6. toasted kittuns

    toasted kittuns Ancient
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    errm, bandwith exceded or something ya need new picz.
  7. Katana Master

    Katana Master Ancient
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    Pics have gone. Try using another image hoster. Google it and you find something ^^
  8. ABigDumbOgre

    ABigDumbOgre Ancient
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    Personally, this map itself is beautiful. The game play, however, was lacking. Every time I played Manifest, the gameplay went one of two ways.

    One or two humans who were pro at head-shotting Zombies would just blast through the map, find a good camping spot, and settle down for the remainder of the game.

    Another was that the zombies would ambush the humans, but their efforts would be wasted by the fact that it takes so many hits to kill the humans. It would become "rawr I'm a zombie I'm going to hit you in the face 50 times but it won't do anything because you have so much god damn life the only real way to kill you is by assassination and you just shotgun me until I die."

    The map is good, the idea is good but the gameplay itself is lacking. Manifest personally only stayed fun for a few times before the gameplay forced me and my firends to look elsewhere for a fun infection map.
  9. ABigScaryBear00

    ABigScaryBear00 Ancient
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    I agree with ABigDumbOgre since i tested it with him
    humans who are good just shot zombies in the head until they reach the end or the truck
    zombies shouldn't have to hit a lot to kill when its so easy to kill
    plz remake the game type to a one or two shot kill
    the positives are how fun it is to be the high powered zombie
  10. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    Can I point something out to you guys?

    This isn't: omg, I have a sword, I'ma rape you all so EZ!!!

    One assassination=instant death. Play stealth, use the spawning system to your advantage, distract humans. Be smart. Have you played versus mode in L4D? You don't spawn as a special zombie, than go rape the entire team of survivors. It takes tactics, and skill and teamwork to kill even one single member, even as the ungodly tank.

    As for camping the truck? You aren't supposed to camp? If you do, we'll to each their own, but if you are and aren't enjoying it, that's because you are playing it wrong. If you think it sucks to be a zombie, you need to play with me, or transactionzero. Than you'll think it sucks to be a human :)
  11. oO xbakerx Oo

    oO xbakerx Oo Ancient
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    this is good and well made i think at the begining it could be built a bit better with the warthog but it still works well with its gametype good work 4/5

    BULL3TMAN Ancient
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    well my input on this map is that me and a couple friends play this game for our "infection night" and we found this level to be very fun but one problem is that in order to make the most fun out of the map we had to edit the gametype alittle to our likings, sorry bout that, but other than that we had a blast killing ecah other on it!

    Good job on a feature!
  13. Spaghettimanp1

    Spaghettimanp1 Ancient
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    Downloaded, played, and was exillerated. Great map and game, love the gametype, and map. At first you can't see all the behind the scenes stuff. You start out looking for the zombie.. where is he... then BAM!! There he is falling in from the top of the ceiling taking out two of your friend and you. This map makes you feel like your in a horror movie, but the only problem is the surprise gets less and less when you play it more.

    Overall, however this map is one on the BEST!!! infection games i have ever played
  14. bq ftw1

    bq ftw1 Ancient
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    In my opinion infection is supposed to give you that 'epic' feel and after playing this map and suggested gametype I didn't really get that feeling, while the map it self is great i did not really give if a forge-through but from playing it in customs I loved how origininal it was and how you had the pile of junk but it was organized in a way that made it more than just an obsticle and added to the gameplay giving it a good mixture of that rugged and then the smooth terain of the bases, overall it was beutifully forged but no map is a perfect redition of its category and this map is no exception I think the creators need to try and find a way to change the gameplay some to give it that epic feeling. also on a side note you mensioned in the description that te gametype is made to be ballance well I think this could also use some work I think the humans have a little bit more of an advantage and know you wanted to use something close to that original infection gametype but i don't know if your map is a good fit for that gametype, also i think that if you fix this problem just by changing the gametype you could probably give your map that epic feel without having to do a whole lot of changes to your map.
  15. Dow

    Dow Ancient
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    I LOVE THIS MAP. But the only thing I will say is that maybe it would work better if humans had 1 less overshield
  16. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    I disagree. Though it may seem that there shields make them overpowered, it does not. Your shields never regenerate so it acts as a health bar. Also, the zombies can still can the 1-hit-kill assassination.
  17. Mustard Bomb

    Mustard Bomb Ancient
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    the map is very well made, i like it alot, but there is one little thing i would like to see fixed. its the barrier behind the truck in the corner. the humans can knock it over and when they all go behind the truck, they can wedge it back so the zombees cannot get behind the truck. then the humans pown as the zombees try to move the barrier. the rest of the map is very well done, nice job.
  18. Painkiller

    Painkiller Ancient
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    I dont usually see infection maps featured but this one definately deserves it, wow. How innovative. When Sandbox comes out, Im making a map with this guy, he sure knows what he's doing. I mean the long high ceiling hallways and object overweighted rooms, perfect for zombies.
  19. Tyberiousfusion

    Tyberiousfusion Ancient
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    I like the idea of this map giving it more of the urban feel, but i overall just don't like the random objects thrown all over
  20. Quello

    Quello Ancient
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    Gratz on the feature!

    There are so many ways to escape this map, using teamwork and not. That dumpster door eventually disapears and people can pretty much jump right over the window panel behind it.

    Also that warthog crashed into the wall is always shot at and destroyed, not only does it damage your non-regenerating health, but you can jump on the walls that make the hole in the wall, and get above the safe room.

    -Other than that, I love to play this map, and it is very fun.
    #60 Quello, Feb 23, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2009

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