Foundry Manifest (Help's on the way, right?)

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by chrstphrbrnnn, Jan 5, 2009.

  1. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    Yes as vorpal said, if the humans do break the map (wow jumping on peoples heads, why bother?), the zombies can easily reach them anywhere.
  2. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    It's not a problem because the zombies are really the only ones that can get out. They don't because they are focused on killing the humans and it dosen't help at all. Trust me it's not a problem.

    All the times that I have played, the humans never tried to get out. If they were to try, they would get owned.
  3. Chickenyoda3

    Chickenyoda3 Ancient
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    Wow, that is a great post. This whole project (story, gameplay, map, etc.) seems very well thought-out. I can tell alot of effort was put into this project. I still have yet to play it, due to my friends playing other games like World at War, but I do want to. The map looks really good, I like the pile of debris that seperates the two sections. I also like the gameplay of having no score, but instead try to follow the story out. Since I havn't played a full game of it yet, I don't know if camping in the spawn room would be a problem. I give it a 5/5.
  4. imsuperfreakinawesome

    Senior Member

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    Holy sh.....

    I immediatly downloaded this it looks sick.
  5. Chedderboy

    Chedderboy Ancient
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    I do believe you have just won the internets. Pick up your prize at the door.
  6. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    I think I remember playing this as like the last game in TGIF #24 while I was in DeathToll's party, and it was awesome! Although we usually sucked as zombies and the humans always won it is still epic.

    I love how much it looks like your team really did crash their with that warthog. Downside is that the party soon found out they could wait for the warthog to disappear and then they could escape the map from their by jumping on each other's heads. That kinda ruined the game, and if possible, fix that please.

    But anyways 10/5 stars because it follows a storyline, it requires teamwork instead of camping, and it seems so life like. What I mean is that it seems like this is what would really happen if there were ever a zombie plague thing.

    But if you didn't notice above, I gave you guys a 10/5, oh and nice thread! I read those journal pages at the end and loved them! Can't wait for the sequel!

    Oh and FEATURE NAO! Rofl!
    #66 Conkerkid11, Jan 14, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2009
  7. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    First off, I would like to say thank you to everyone!-for all the positive comments and feedback. In fact, our post has been viewed so many times, that you people managed to exceed my monthly Photobucket bandwith! So, for those of you who stumbled across this thread while the pics were down, as chrst attempted to re-host them on his account, that is what happened. I would also like to thank you all for your enthusiasm, and pushing for this map to get featured.

    Second, I haven't commented much here, since I have been pre-occupied with other things. Those 'other things' also have kept me away from the machinima and gameplay video as well. The opening 30 seconds of the machinima is practically finished however, and I am hoping to knock this thing our here shortly, so be patient, it will be coming!

    Now, I will make some comments, address frequently asked questions, and thank people for long reviews of our map, but I will not quote, since there is way to much to quote. I also understand that chrst may have adressed some of your concerns already, but I wish to clerify.

    First and foremost, since it has been a re-occuring question/comment, are the Journal pages. I made them using GIMP, with brushes, stock photos, and patience ;) As for them being too small, just click the image, and it will enlarge for you. I understand, also, that it takes quite some time to load the page, but that is un-avoidable, sadly.

    Second, since it appears to be the most common complaint, is the fact that this map is escapable. We knew this when we published it, and tried our best to prevent people from doing such. However, the truth of the matter is, we are out of item, and did not wish to remove the aesthetics to fix this problem. I understand, gameplay comes before aesthetics, but in my opinion, escapability on this map is not entirely relative to the gameplay. This is because there is absolutely no point in escaping this map, and here's why.

    There is no scoring, so hiding will get boring, and you won't get any kills as a human. Unlike competative maps, where you get enough kills to take the lead, then escape and hide, you do not get points in this game. You get post game stats, and those are received by killing zombies, and if you are hiding, you won't be seeing any zombies, since they more than likely will not bother you, and just go for your teammates you left behind instead. Not to mention, we made this map with good gameplay for those who play it right in mind, not for the idiots who decide they do not wish to play the map as it was meant to be played. We made this map very strategic for both humans and zombies, and no ordinary imature player can play it strategically correct, what reason would we have to cater to these noobs just because they decide to get out and hide in a corner?
    Also, you have to try and escape as a human, you can't simply get out on your own. Third, zombies do have the ability to escape the map if need be, and you will be masacred without additional weapons and help.

    It is even more pointless to escape as a zombie, since then you will miss out on the opportunity to become grindnaut, and even more so, you are the hunter, not the hunted. Will escaping the map, and hiding in the corner help you in any way, when the people who can kill you are running from you, not towards you? Humans will definately not escape the map to kill you, so you will be ultra-bored. Again, if this is how you wish to play, we clearly did not make this map for you, so do not complain that you can get out. If people escape the map during the game, just boot them. It is not fun for anyone, especially them. They might as well sit around in the pre-game lobby.

    Now, another commonly brought up, and ill informed complaint, are the weapons. Let me first adress the fact that zombies are purely damage resistance, not sheilds. That means, the only thing truly effective, are headshots. That means, pistol, BR, and Sniper are the most effective, since they are headshottable. A shotgun takes 3 shots at close range to kill a zombie, so it is not overpowering. The rocket, takes two shots to a normal zombie. This cannot be helped, unless we decided to ruin the entire game mechanics just for the sake of a Rocket, which was intended to be used on the Grindnaut (in which it is actually effective, along with flame grenades). As for the headshot weapons listed above, we carefully spaced them. Pistols are very scarce at the start, and have limited ammounts of ammo. They are not very accurate, and are (at most) medium range weapons. With zombies rushing you, jumping up and down as well as strafing, I discover that the typical human fires at least 3 shots before landing a headshot. So, ammo does run out fast, with limited kills.

    As for the sniper, it is even harder than the pistol. With faster moving zombies, jumping up and down, scoping in has very little effect, since you can only look around so fast, and there are few long range scenerios. So, essentially, you are forced to no scope, and we all know how that can be quite a challenge. Without a headshot, the sniper is fairly ineffective. Only the most skilled players can properly use the sniper, and if used right, it can be quite useful (such as sniping multiple zombies with one shot, which I have done plenty of times, as well as using against the Grindnaut).

    Now, the BR is the only weapon that is deemable as a "power weapon" on this map. Headshots are easy to get at any range with it on this map, especially because of the 3 shot burst. However, you will notice that you do not get it until the end, and ammo is sparce. In the final area, we give BR's since the struggle is no longer just waves of zombies, but a Grindnaut as well, who you should be focusing on. If humans do make it this far (which happens 75-85% of the time), I find that even with the added weapons, they only have a 25-30% success rate. Again, it is all strategy for both sides. With a good team as humans, I can win it without to much challenge. Now, sometimes I dominate it, other times, I make it by with only a couple survivors after the huge fight. So, the weapons are not that over powering.

    On the subject of weapons, let me talk about damage. I hear it alot, and I wish to adress it. Here is what I hear:
    Yes, that is not a glitch, that is the game. As a human, you notice your overshield. This is a HEALTH bar, that notifies you how much damage you have taken, and how much health you have left. This is extremely strategic and helpful, and I recommend to everyone to pay close attention to it. If you are full of health, take the front of the pack with a shotgun, leaving the weaker people in the back since they will be the closest to death, and let them have the headshotable weapons. That is an example of how to effectively use your healthbar. Also, you can easily pickout teammates from zombies (for the most part) becasue they are glowing, and zombies can do the same with their teammates. This is another reason we did not use only damage resistance.

    Now, it wouldn't be much of a healthbar if humans died it one hit, the whole purpose will be lost. It takes about 7-8 sword swings to defeat a human. You might think, this is alot, but it isn't. Once a zombie gets up close to a human, they get off an easy 2 hits. With a swarm of zombies, it only takes 4 to kill the human in a single attack. Trust me, it has happened to me alot, and it is quite exciting when you get surrounded by the zombies and die in seconds. As for zombie health, if zombies were weaker, then it would be way to easy for humans, where there would be nearly no point in different weapons. If a shotgun killed as easy as a pistol, why would you both with different weapons in a group? With this heavily tested system, we found that these are the values that best ennounciate the various uses of different weapons.

    Now, this isn't an often brought up point, but I will make note of it. Yes, humans move slower than standard speed. This is because we discovered that humans can sprint through the level to the end, no sweat. By lowering the speed, the only inconveniance to you as a player is not moving so fast, but the action is more intense that way, and you will soon not be able to notice it.

    Also, the junk pile in the middle. I am confused, but people have said that their shouldn't be so much stuff there? I fail to see why, since it is one of the best aesthetics on the map. Please clarify this, people who brought that one up.

    This is somewhat related to escaping, but it is still differnt. That, is camping. Now, I want to restate the fact that Chrst and I HATE infection, because it is all about camping. We made this map, so you can't effectively camp. You will never stop camping, since all it entails is sitting in one spot, and not moving. However, you can stop it from being effective, and that is what we did. Here's how:

    -We space weapons out around the map, providing little bit by little bit of ammo, and making zombies strong enough to take several shots. This causes players to run out of ammo faster than typical infection, and therefore are forced to run forward and get ammo. Now, that ammo disapears since it does not return, so if you go back to your camping spot, each time you run out, you have to go further in the map.
    -We styled this map like a campaign mission, and made it rely heavily upon working as a team. I have yet to see a whole team camp in one spot, since players actually go and play it right. This seperation causes campers to fail, sometimes even those who run out. So, camp, and you disapoint your team.
    -No scoring, just post games stats. Why would the zombies go out of their way to get you, camping in the back? You will not get points, and you will die when they come for you, in a heart beat. The reason I have seen someone survive from camping, is because the zombies don't even notice that that player is camping. By the time they finish up the rest of the actually playing teammates, and start running to get the last human at the spawn room, the game is up. The person who lived saw no action, the entire game. Congrats.

    I feel that I have adequetely addressed many of the main issues now, and I hope that clarifies why we did what we did do for some of you. Keep in mind, this game is extremely tactical, and about working as a team. If you play it right, you will have fun. Look at all the comments so far!- even those who had issues, said it was fun when they played it correctly. Now, I would like to thank some people.

    First off, thanks to What's a Scope and Phreakie for two of the most awesome reviews in this thread. Also, thanks to Chas, TZ, and Silence (to bad you can't play the most recent version =[ ) for great reviews as well. If I missed you, I am terribly sorry, but I thank you anyway.

    Second, thank you Vorpal, TZ, and Kidbomber for amazing fan fiction! That is truly great, and you are starting a movement in the right direction for what we wisheed to accomplish with this map. Who knows, you might see one of your stories turned into an actual game/machinima.

    Lastly, I would like to thank everyone who has viewed and downloaded, and espeicially those who have pushed for a feature, and a place in Best of Forge. To everyone who has enjoyed this map, we made it for you, and glad to see that you all like it.
  8. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    This is the best post on Forgehub, it's so detailed. You have even included unique "old papers" for the explanation and a machinima showing the game play and story of the map. I really can't wait for that one.

    Manifest has to be the best and most well-planned Infection map in the history of Halo 3. The game play feels like a horror movie. It's great that you have planned the game type to perfection. When I get a game on this, and if I like it (which I'm pretty sure I will), this will stay on my hard drive forever until you guys make another episode. Excellent Job.
  9. Maxzy

    Maxzy Ancient
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    So that is why you used shields instead of just increased damage resistance for humans.

    I can't wait to play this map as my xbox is being shipped back from microsoft in a few days. This will be the first map I try out.
  10. Sam

    Sam Ancient
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    The interlocking is fantastic, your post was truly well thought out, and the gameplay is unique. It's a very unique infection game that requires teamwork, but ultimately it is not a game that I can play over and over again. The visuals, everything else is perfect. The beginning part as a human, when the warthog explodes and the door opens, is amazing and very cinematic-like. Props to that. As you continue further on in the pathways, with zombies jumping out at you, there is a feeling of terror and danger lurking at all times. But at all other times, you're just trying not to get assassinated. And that is the main problem, a Halo 3 game mechanic that cannot be disabled, assassinations. It just isn't scary when folks are getting assassinated left and right. And the explosions in this map may often cause lag. The map itself though is high quality.
    #70 Sam, Jan 15, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2009
  11. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    Well sweeney answered friggin anything you guys have asked or might ask lol :p

    And I hope you guys get your box's back soon so you can play it :)

    Also, if you guys noticed BoF is up and we have been nominated in both Best Infection and Best Original. Me and sween would both appreciate help (votes or adverts) you guys can give us :) !

    Edit: to EMS- The assassinations don't bother us that much. It's personally how I as the zombies use tactics, and humans, you have to watch your back. I understand the map isn't for everyone, and we've had a few games that both me and sween said ehh..that wasn't too great. But honestly, with a good group of people playing tactically, this game can excite and enjoy multiple games in a row. It becomes a lot more fun than those unoriginal camping maps where nothing ever changes, and is NEVER fun for the zombies. I personally love being a zombie, and seeing how many humans I can stick right off the batt.

    As for the lag, lower the overall amount of players (full game is too much, 12 is a good number), try not to have people join, or quit part way through (boot them if they want to leave). You should be fine as long as no body is red bar.
  12. InferiorPigeon

    InferiorPigeon Ancient
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    Wow, chrst, sweeny, you guys have brought a true Infection gem to Halo 3.
    I honestly cannot wait to load this up and play a nice game on it. I thought ravnscroft had Infection down pat, but you guys have shown me, (again), that Infection can be better than what most people make it to be.
    Thanks in advance for the hours upon hours of enjoyment I am going to be receiving from "tis epiczor winzauce mapy"
  13. zeppelinboy777

    zeppelinboy777 Ancient
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    This map is truly the best infection map I have ever played. Usually something as complex as this would make my party leave, but every one of them wanted to play it again and again. The other team never even made it to the boss when I was a zombie. Every infection game I play now will be put to shame by this beast. Can't wait for Manifest 2!
  14. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    Oh I know you will pigeon, glad to see you back..we'll have to get a game going :)

    It'l be coming soon:) and thanks for the nomination, we appreciate it :)
  15. Grave Robber

    Grave Robber Ancient
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    Hey to anyone who plays this i recommend you pick up that rocket launcher before the grindnaut spawns, or else he might be inclined to use it lmao.......
    Edit: voting for best infection map
  16. Nightfire

    Nightfire Ancient
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    WOW!....You guys posted this a week ago and i learn about it today, i r sad face. Anyways, when i first tested this map last year around sometime that i don't remember i was astonished of the simple aesthetics of the crashed warthog and debris that actually looked like debris and blown up structures instead of a wall that looks like it wasn't forged right. The gameplay was greatly balanced and 100% required a person to work with his teammates to run through the level and defeat the boss, because if he/she didn't they would get raped in different directions. I also loved the storyline you guys put into it, and the idea of making a whole new game inside a game was what made me most interested in your map.

    I hope that whenever you guys plan on continuing your maps and story that I can some how help whenever you need it. And that i can maybe be part of your machinima if you guys need me. I'll be glad to help in anyway since both of you guys are my testing friends or just play a game of it. So, give me an invite! Hope you guys win for infection map!

    Edit: Oh and i just realized my name is somewhere in there, Tim. yep =)
  17. Metal Chocobo

    Metal Chocobo Ancient
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    I like it! The post mainly. It reminds me of this flash game called, "The last stand." Its like a group of survivors trying to survive a night in a zombie infested city. So you say you made it linear? Is there a point where the survivors stop, or something else?
  18. Transactionzero

    Transactionzero Ancient
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    Manifest never ever gets old. I played a couple rounds of Manifest in the last TGIF. I believe I got quite a few kills with my warthog setup. Assassinated the grindnaut quite a few times and reworked my strategy as a human. That is the best part about Manifest is that you can change your strategy depending on the zombies strategy. I love it, I love it, I love it.
  19. Leoparddude

    Leoparddude Ancient
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    Manifest Review

    Wow this has to be one of the best posts on FH! I like how you set up the names whenever you see it in the lobby. In my opinion its the best Infection map ever!
  20. Insane117

    Insane117 Ancient
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    Me and my friends downloaded the map it looked really good and all but it needed help on gameplay. nice job on the map though. 4/5 Oh very nice post must took a very long time to get this all in.

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