Manhattan (Cloverfield)

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by SaucyCardog, Oct 30, 2008.

  1. SaucyCardog

    SaucyCardog Ancient
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    (reading military file 108.......
    (buffering video..................


    ok!!! name is Robert Cotler.......just 6 hours ago..Manhattan was attacked by some....type of giant monster that is now looming across some parts the city..........I am recording this video on a high-def cal cam......*heavy breathing noises*........I want to send a message out to any suvivors or anybody looking at this tape........military has already swarmed into the area and has tried to take down the monster.........but...they have failed so far in completting that goal....but they have evacuated most of the people in this and a few other people are the only ones left....*breathing*....but the part of this town is infested with some type of raptors that came from the monster's body. We so far are doing well for ourselves since there's some guns laying around town from the dead military soldiers........but we cant fend them off forver......if military is watching this tape then that means I escaped the town and left this behind or I am.....dead. But if anyone is watching this I've taken some shots of the town that are now in this camera's file that I hope can be of some use to the person watching this.........

    (reading screenshots 153-157.........





    (buffering lock 23 of video........

    hello again. It has been 12 hours since manhattan was attacked and in that time.....5 of my friends have died of causes I dont want to and 2 others, are the only ones left in this part of the town. But I do have a plan to get us out of here, it might work. We first try to........... oh god!!!! OH NO..oh no oh no oh no....their here.....I have to get out here...... oh **** they just got my friend outside when he tried to make a run for it........ ok now me and my last friend are scavenging through the street trying to find help.......oh ****!! their gaining on us.....
    *continous gunshots*........ok!! good there fleeing that's the best luck I've had today........wait there's shakes in the cant be.....OH ****!!! ITS here its here.........oh god my friend just got smashed by a car......oh no oh no............OH NO!!! OH GOD it saw me.....*panting*..... OH GOD OH GOD....aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh.................


    (end of tape 108..........

    (deleting file................ : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details

    Well since some people cant take a little mystery in a thread, I'm going to post a description of the map. The overall layout of this map is supposed to resemble kind of like a ghetto, short and tall buildings with som shops and safe houses for hiding from the monster. in a few hours I'll get some more pics and a better description for my map.
    #1 SaucyCardog, Oct 30, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2008
  2. redeyesmaster

    redeyesmaster Ancient
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    this halloween thing is spaming. but other then that you really should try to get sme better pictures. but from what i see i dont like it. sorry but its just what i think. nothing really stands out
  3. blanman

    blanman Ancient
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    What a stupid post. "From what I see..." Try to actually download the map, then 'see'. Why is the Halloween trailer spamming? It's his thread, he can post any additional things he wants. If he had started a new thread with just the trailer, that would be spamming. If anything, your reply was spam.

    Anyways, this map looks interesting. I'll have to check it out some time. Is it meant to be played with gametypes or is it aesthetic (if it is, it needs to go in that forum)?
    You should post a better description to go with your map, not just the story.
  4. xpunkshorty27x

    xpunkshorty27x Ancient
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    Looks Okay but without better pics you won't get a dl from me and others so get some gameplay shots and like inside the building
  5. i_support_elites

    Senior Member

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    holy crap dude, nice touch with the video file and crap like that, very original.
    i like the map man! it looks pretty awesome, im gunna have to wait to download it though, my brother took my 360.
  6. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    Nothing really unique about this map but the post.

    However, I don't judge a book by its cover. I'll download it then post what I think...

    Okay, maybe not. I've got 100 custom things. I'll DL it later.
  7. JSlayer7

    JSlayer7 Ancient
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    Not bad. I think I might give it a DL, because the pictures are small and hard to decipher. It would be awesome if you forged the Cloverfield monster to spawn like 60-90 seconds in. lol...That would make it aesthetic. Anyways, you've got a pretty cool post, so I'll give it a shot.

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