This is my newest map, Mancala. It's based on a circular racetrack with territories at the two banked ends. Each team spawns in an elevated base that contains a sentinal beam, a rocket launcher, 2 snipers, 2 BR's, A plasma pistol, 4 mongooses, a bubble shield, a warthog, 4 frags, 2 plasmas and a ghost. The only other weapons on the map are a central overshield, a deployable cover, and a trip mine. This all sounds like a lot, and therefore I was hoping to release a beta for people to try out. View of inside of blue base. The windows next to the drop-out can be used to kill anyone camping your spawn, or to kill people in their spawn. However, you cannot kill people as soon as they spawn since the spawns are not within view of the window. Overview of the map. Any questions?
This is practically a finished map. Even though you though it was unfinished, what you should have done is either go and test it in the Tester's Guild, or go and just post it and live with the consequences.
Personally.. it looks like your trying to make like a Rat's nest kinda map? Seen as though all players may not have chance to be on a vehicle, and the enemy team may be able to dominate the map easily using a warthog. You might want to add more barriers at head height so players can't get shot instantly from warthogs running round the map. Overall, it looks quite fun to play. I wouldnt mind helping you test if im online
The only thing that need some touching up is the territory areas (the wood bridges near the ends of the track). I put them in just to see how the territory thing would work, but I was hoping to make the territory areas more elaborate than just a couple of bridges. As far as putting cover at head height that would be preferred but one of the main ideas of this map was for combat on the backs of mongooses. I'm hoping that the weapons can take out the hogs easily enough, especially since the hog is a larger vehicle. This would make it a bigger target as well as making maneuverability along the track slightly more difficult. Right now it's set to spawn two minutes into the game.