Hey im not new at forgehub, ive been a member for a while and i was wanting to know if anybody would like to forge with me. Hit me up on my gamertag that is listed below. GT: AcTiViZiOn Thank You And have fun forging!, JNeWcOmB
http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-forge-discussion/37440-forgemates-you-looking-someone-forge.html I direct you there.....try searching next time, and looking at the most likely place that it will be already in....
Ive got some spare time to forge with you but some of the time i need to work on my solo (alone) projects Gt: xLMSx TRiLoGY
Dude i sent you a message on your profile saying i will be your forge buddy did you get it ? p.s i also sent you a forgehub friend request