What do you think about mancannons that are not guided by some sort of wall or tube? I'm making a map that I plan to use open mancannons, but it will require the user to go into it straight.
Personally, it doesn't bother me unless it affects the gameplay, like someone flying to their doom.THEN i dont like them.
Depends on the map, but I prefer guide walls. Consistency in lifts and mancannons is really important if you want people to move smoothly through them while playing, as opposed to hesitating and adjusting their approach before going into them.
If you wanted to make them get on straight you could just give them guide walls to get onto the man cannon but not for actually guiding it all the way. So you interlock walls (or boxes or whatever) into the mancannon so that it is only possible to walk on it in a certain way. Sorry about the kind of awful explanation, I'm tired and I've never been good at explaining things well.