Police: Man Calls 911 Over Incorrect Sandwich JACKSONVILLE, FL -- An unhappy Subway customer called 911 not once, but twice to complain to police that his sandwich was not made to his liking. Reginald Peterson called the Jacksonville Sheriffs Office in hopes that police could have his sandwich made to his satisfaction. A short time later, Peterson contacted JSO again to complain that police still had not shown up. When police did arrive Peterson told the officer he had ordered two sandwiches, checked out, and then walked outside to find the subs did not have "everything" he ordered. He told police he became "very upset" and "belligerent" because the employee making the sandwich was not doing it correctly. Witnesses inside the store say Peterson eventually started screaming at everyone inside. When Peterson went outside to call police. Employees closed the store and locked the door to keep him from returning. According to the report, the officer tried to calm Petterson and explain to him the proper way to use 911, but he would not cooperate. Peterson was arrested and at his request the sandwiches were thrown away. ©2008 First Coast News . All rights reserved. This material may not be published, rewritten, or redistributed. source site
omg fail. Is there anything people wont complain about. Um, why call the po... WHY!? Seriously, you have an unsatisfactory sandwich and that's just cause to call out the cops. Gawd, Some people...
OMFG, im so telling on you! Anyways i lol'd sounds like the kind of customers who annoy, and i had my fair share of them when i worked at a grocery store.
wow......i wonder if that guy is mental. if he is i feel for him. if he isn't then......well, he is just pure dumb anyway
Some stupid haole woman was screaming her head off at this Chinese Subway worker at a restaurant I went to. The transcript went something like this: Customer: I want a Tuna Sandwich on Wheat with everything on it. Worker: Everything, ma'am? Customer: Yes, everything. What are you, stupid? *Worker makes Tuna Sandwich, starts putting on mayo, salt, pepper, vinegar.* Customer: Hey, what do you think you're doing?! Worker: You said you wanted a Tuna Sandwich with everything on it. Customer: See, that's the problem with you Chinese people. You don't understand English at all. Just, just throw it away, I'll eat somewhere else! Jeez, *****.
Haha wow, imagine what the phone call must have been like... "Hello 911 emergency how may I help you?" "Yes! Please Help! My sandwich isn't right! OMG! BOTH of them aren't right! Send back up!
I've seen stuff similar in subway, people walk in, "chicken with everything" they start making it "but no carrots, salt, pepper, olives, tomato or onions" They're the kind of people you wanna grab by the collar, give them a thorough shake and slap them.
Well that was really creepy... my mom just told me about this, then I went upstairs and saw this topic. Anyway, ridiculous is a nice word.
I want to know what he was yelling at the other customers about. This is truely crazy that someone would go to the extent of calling the authorities over a sandwich.
Who calls 911 for an incorrect sandwich? I would eat it anyways, unless I'm allergic to something on it. I had a mismade burger at McDonalds, but I still ate it. BTW, there has been a story about a guy calling 911 because he couldn't find some bandages.
It's times like this when I lose faith in the world just because his sandwich was'nt made to his likeing. The fact that he called police when his sandwich was'nt made right and then he called it again because the police did'nt arrive. I wish I knew what the 911 Operater was thinking when he/she heard it. lol
Kudos to that guy for knocking those haughty sandwich artists down a peg, let this be a lesson to the rest of them.