I have yet to see a kicka$$ mall map. if you want to forge one then that is my challenge for you! Make stores and various kiosks and such to hide behind with a solid believable layout. or if theres a BAMF map already out there, please post a link here cuz a mall map in the collesium would be totally awesome. I'm making one right now but am willing to see other ideas
Mall = cool Mall + Zombies = awesome I might attempt to make a mall. How big would you reckon this mall be?
I guess I will give this a shot. Add My GT, and I will keep you updated with my progress on how much I have got done.
I've actually thought about making a mall themed competitive map. But my city map even finished yet and I started it back in November. I tend to put things off a bit. Who knows if I'll ever end up doing this, but if I do, it will be epic...I hope.
I made a zombie mall map along with A Silent Emu a while ago that a lot of people really liked. Link.