no one shall question me i can easly get up the hill its not hard unless your buttons are labeled wrong
You deserve serious props dude. That's a lot of geomerges; you took your concept and made it as perfect as you could get. I'm not crazy about that jump-hill, but maybe that's because I'm bad at jumps.
Where's malibu?? to me it is just another conceptless interlocked map--NOT downloading. This concept should have taken place in another map maybe like "LAST RESORT" , "HIGH GROUND" where's there's actually water. but this map looks like a military base in malibu.
LOL! Can you get more ignorant than that? I bet you could. Just because I named the map Malibu, doesn't mean there has to be water around? That is the stupidest ****ing thing I have heard in my entire life. GTFO.
Second time and after was alot more enjoyable. I actually play this map somewhat frequently. People just didn't use the fence boxed turret, the ghost turret, or the hill. Tbh I never got the ghost turret thing to work. I can't enter the cave.. And you can jump from the fence box into the bunker. So I'll rate this a 3.75/5 because some spots were unused and.. well.. I don't know, but thats what I would rate it. Oh btw, props for Led Zeppelin.
Glad to see that you played it more than once. I totally agree with you on the fence box structure. Nobody gets on the turret. I guess it would be more usefull in flag games. Whenever I play, people always get into the ghost turret, lol. They die pretty quickly. I guess it would only be a slight help during flag or bomb games as well.
I don't think anyone posted that it was breakable, but I meant to get around to doing so. Beside breakability, there is the issue with the bajillion powerups that become available once broken. Lets just say invincibility occurs. From the back, jump onto a or B, and its a skip across the top of the boxes for immortality. There were a few other issues, but this being the major one, it's the only one I feel is necessary to talk about.
There is like 3 ways out. Thanks for taking the time to break it, though. I am not going to fix it, ever. I am done with competitive maps. If it really bothers you, then you can just delete the goodies up top.
Very original, very nice. I see a great balance in between classic ideas and novel creations. Two things that I especially like were the ghost-turret and the sliding hill. Unlike someone else before me who disliked it, I think it's a great addition and feel sorry for the ignorant fools who are unable to comprehend how it "works." =P I think I speak for all of ForgeHub when I say I'm sorry to see you go, especially with a brilliant work of art like this. Its balance of symmetry and disparity is perfect, its geomerging and interlocking is practically unprecedented in accuracy and aestheticism...just really well done, overall. This is undoubtedly your magnum opus. Farewell.
Thanks a lot man. One of the first time a staff/retired/higher up has commented on my maps. I appreciate you look at noncolored people's maps