Description: I seem to recall someone asking for a Railgun to be built for them... here's one for ya! Shinra's city-sized world-demolishing weapon of sheer annihilation. This one is obviously scaled down so it could fit on Standoff but it still kinda operates the same. Soccer Balls are one of the more effective types of ammunition, as are single crates. Built on top of the Blue bunker, the cannon barrel almost reaches the center path. Main View Back View Loading Port Guest Appearance by: RtG Swimmer FS Download Map
I like the giant railgun idea, and the fact you turned the boxes upside down to avoid the lip problem.. very innovative.. awesome!!
Shahaweet! A Railgun based on the Mako Cannon from FF7, this is genius! You are a master of aethsetic maps!
That might be difficult, i know a mongoose can go through but havent tested a warthog. best of luck though. :squirrel_shiftyeyes:
I mistaked it for the Rail launching system from Mass Effect, as I saw 'Mako' in the title, that being a vehicle in Mass Effect. It actually is very similar to this forged map. Two thumbs up again, Elite.
Good lord Covenant, will you freaking hurry up and get to 100 posts so we can change it from mason to masons.
From what I recall of FF7, Cloud is an emo who falls in love with Aeris. Who is murdered. So then he turns gothy, and avenges her by killing a half-naked Sephiroth. From what I recall, of course. Woot, the Sister Ray! It looks hard to load though.
It is not in Mass Effect per say, but they use something like this to launch their ships from galaxy to galaxy. They even integrated this into their sniper rifles, making them super pwnage machines. Oh, and definetly get Mass Effect, I am a Halo fan at heart, but Mass Effect takes number two behind Halo, as it merges shooting and RPG-ing. I hate RPG's and I loved this game.
I just wonder, if anyone knows that the military is experimenting with railguns, which are currently huge for their power, as well as sucking and requiring service after every firing. Which is sadface for me.