Making Videos of Your Maps... Again!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Oli The G, Oct 8, 2011.

  1. Oli The G

    Oli The G Forerunner
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    Perfectly alright. Truth be told I wouldn't have gotten to ou for a while, i've had some interesting submissions both on and off this thread :D

    Edited by merge:

    EDIT: Be sure to check out Halo: Waypoint tomorrow morning ;)

    EDIT: Just go check out waypoint. It should be incredibly obvious what i'm saying :D

    EDIT: Keep map submissions coming! I have a couple of submissions for this cycle, but there is room for plenty more! I am also pulling up plans to do something a bit different, an infection map trailer (except done right, no offence to others!)

    I'm thinking moving red and blue lights, heavy music involvement (may have to speak to lib on that one!) big central towers, and showing the desperation of the humans, with a camera that drops and cracks and falls on its side, or maybe even a mobile phone video. Obviously nothing over the top, but something that will really pull on heartstrings and emotion. That I think is the essence of a good infection map. Will be a nice challenge when/if I do it.

    Don't deter from competitive maps though! My agenda now includes competitive maps and possibly infection maps!

    I've also been thinking, and I think that it could be interesting if I opened this up on a wider scale to take nominations/advice for maps from people besides the map maker. Obviously i'm not going to do it on a voting level, just because a map is brilliant and fun doesn't make it right for a video necessarily. As I always say. Hooray!
    #121 Oli The G, Aug 6, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2012
  2. PA1NTS

    PA1NTS Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Heres three competitive maps you could check out for me, and Ill post some casual ones soon.


    The Oracle one already has a video but it kinda sucks. And I think since its a FHF it deserves a proper video.
  3. Pulpapple

    Pulpapple Promethean

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    Kingshi Demons


    Kingshi Demons Map Link

    I made Kingshi Demons to be terrifying. Players must really take care of themselves - and if they're good enough, they're teammates. However, the odds aren't impossible.

    While the archetype is similar to other infection gametypes [besides of the name switch from "zombies" to "demons"], Kingshi offers perks and incentives that are eccentric to Kingshi. To encourage 'patrolling' areas versus 'camping'...however, buildings are present in place of camping tactics, but with a catch. Buildings provide camping access, only if players are able to effectively work with other players - it requires trust and communications...there are no radars for humans.
  4. PhantomStrike

    PhantomStrike Forerunner
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    Not much to see here, much like any other competitive map, but, I thought it should get a video when I put a lot of thought into it, most that was thrown away that could have made good map designs. It may not be the best map out there but the thought counts.

    I also call it Manhattan because it was originally planned to be a reworked or re-imagined version of Nuketown from Cod Black Ops. Its now become some Plasma Weapons facility after the Human-Covenant War.

    By the way, if you haven't noticed yet but I canceled my Refugee video because I never liked the map and I deleted it.
    #124 PhantomStrike, Aug 7, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2012
  5. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    You should make a video of Valence because it not another symmetrical BTB map, it is a 4-way symmetrical multi-team map! The aesthetics on the map are unique, quirky, but not immature. Not only did I put great effort into the design of the map, but it also took precious hours to forge the very template that it sits on way up in the sky. The floor is a grid so that you can not only see the earth below but also so that you see the "other half" of the structures that you are sitting on, seemingly trapped in midair by the grid. Despite childish themes (like dice and a 7 Wood), the map plays professionally due to its skill-based weapon set. It is a very fast-paced map that is designed to do as much justice to the active camo as to the sprint as to the armor lock as to the jetpack as to the... (*gasp*) hologram.

    Valence Map Link
  6. EpicChief117

    EpicChief117 Forerunner

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    I know you want to focus on infection maps now but I just felt like throwing this in here.


    Conveyor is a competitive map that I made a while ago. Although it's an old map I really loved making it and I think it turned out great. It plays best with Neutral Flag CTF and is inspired by the way that Elongation from Halo 2 played. It might be a bit small but it's your call.

    P.S. I feel a bit greedy for submitting another map but I know it's unlikely for this to be chosen so I'd might as well.
    #126 EpicChief117, Aug 19, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2012
  7. Oli The G

    Oli The G Forerunner
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    I will take a look at maps tonight. EpicChief, i'm not solely doing infection maps, i've just had a good idea for one that I want to do. If I see an infection map, within two seconds i'll be on this thread telling you guys that i'm making that map. I love being stupid and specific :D

    Anyway, I might have to delay the actual editing for a little bit. LiberatingPulse has been in a pretty horrific car crash (He posted an update video, here is a link: Link) It's a miracle that he survived, so obviously i'm not going to pester him for more unreleased music for a bit. I spoke to him on Skype and he seems OK, but very shaken and traumatised. If you could show him your support it would mean a lot.

    Anyway, thats your post. Going to look at maps soon, may be a while before the next video whilst I search for music, yadayada.

    oli out :D
  8. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Who's LiberatingPulse?
  9. Oli The G

    Oli The G Forerunner
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    Writes a lot of the music that I use. Gave and remixed specifically for me a copy of a track from his unreleased EP, and I have used at least 4 of his songs since I started using royalty free music.
  10. EpicChief117

    EpicChief117 Forerunner

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    Oh god! D: Thank goodness he survived. I do hope that he gets a lot better.

    btw Oli, Approaching Nirvana does the same kind of music but I doubt very much that youll get his/her/their permission since they are really quite famous. I will try to see if there is anything your style that you could use. Anything to help. ;D
  11. Oli The G

    Oli The G Forerunner
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    That's very generous of you. Just send us a list of channels, etc on my profile and I will check them out and send pms :D
  12. Dax

    Dax Mhmm.
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Taking a look at them tonight you say? I've recently made some pretty significant aesthetic updates to mine, it's in my file share under the name of Navi Update 2
  13. Oli The G

    Oli The G Forerunner
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    Sure, i'll get right on it. I'm also trying to have a play with Blender to get in stuff like AA and motion blur, as well as 3D camera tracking :D

    Could work great if I add in some lightning onto the scene. Now I need to learn how to make blender not duplicate GUIs and actually do something when I press the move editor button :D

    Just installed it, so restart should fix it up :D

    Edited by merge:

    EDIT: I figured out motion blur :D I'm now going to try and put up a raw, unpolished 3d motion track of a little bit of footage. It's not the next video, i'm yet to choose that :D It would have been a clever idea, but oh well :D

    EDITEDIT: Anybody want to buy me after effects? Blender is pretty crap at motion tracking halo :( And even then it needs camera based crap that just doesn't happen in a video game. I have one alternative solution, which uses VooDoo, but importing it is proving to be really, REALLY stupid. So I might have to look deeper into the 3d parts of blender. Should it work, it will be brilliant! My ending plan is to have some kind of raging lightning/fire effect playing on the text. That will be somewhat hard though :D Oh well. Videostudio pro x5 has three dimensional text so I may just end up keyframing in text. Unless I get something with rotoscaping then I can't hide behind text sadly :( We shall see, eh?

    But I have motion blur nailed down, so we can take that for now :D

    Edited by merge:

    Summer holidays 'yo. Sorry for not getting back.

    Alright, i've made my decision on maps. First of all is the infection maps. As good as some of them were, they simply wernt the exact thing I was looking for, so I wouldn't be able to make use of my ideas on them, sadly. Therefore no infection map made the grade.

    Now, onto the competitive ones. Many of them had minute FR lag that would have made a video impossible, and others were simply too open or, in my opinion, didn't play well enough.

    In the end, it came down to two choices. Oracle and Navi. Oracle I feel was a smidge too small, and in many areas had acute FR lag, and whilst it would not affect gameplay, when focusing on small little bits it simply looked atrocious, from a filming point of view. Also, I have selected a fairly relaxed, chilled out piece of music in places (not chillstep, ofc) and because of the green scheme it would not mix with the steely blues and subtle, calm lights I am going for.

    As for Navi, it was the right size, looked brilliant, and is a newer submission. All the right components for a video. So Dax. Congratulations :D And comiserations to the others :(
    #133 Oli The G, Sep 4, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2012
  14. Dax

    Dax Mhmm.
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    You're the best Oli. Thanks so much! I'm super excited for the video :D

    I do want to make sure you get the right version. The one I submitted in this thread is a rather older version. Also, do I need to get you game footage and such?
  15. Oli The G

    Oli The G Forerunner
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    If you could get me some, that would be great. Starting 6th form tomorrow, so lets see how that goes timewise. Normally I wouldn't be too hard pressed for time, but I have ltos of stuff coming up this month (2 uni visits and DofE and 3 days off for jewish festivals) so I may be a smidge pressed for time.

    We will see, eh?

    UPDATE: Finished remixing the soundtrack. There are no jaggies, but there is one spot where I find it blindingly obvious that I moved things about. A couple of splits I made, such as the very start and end and middle choppings of my version were towards the actual end of the piece but they all worked out brilliantly (just where I played in the start of the main track, it's somewhat unexpected, but its the same way in the piece). I've had a play around with the introduction, and it's looking like it will be very cinematic and atmospheric, even tranquil. Then **** goes down and bullets kinda ruin that and you are forced to go along with it. And where I placed the end it is awesome, and I remixed the whole centre track.

    I can tell you that the video will be 2:10:22
    #135 Oli The G, Sep 4, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2012
  16. Dax

    Dax Mhmm.
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Wow, it sounds like you're already putting a lot of work into this. I can't thank you enough Oli. And I'm really excited about this atmospheric thing you're going for.
  17. Oli The G

    Oli The G Forerunner
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    We will have to see how it goes. Can't guarantee the 3D text sadly, but I have the soundtrack almost totally nailed down, save for the static overlays where the image falters and shifts a little bit. I need to get footage recorded before I can decide if i'm going to do a colour swap, or a screen swap, but the colour swap seems to be the thought process at the moment. Just give us a heads up when you get some footage for me, if you could please :D 6th form is fun shtuff.

    EDIT: 3D text is out. It ruins the atmosphere in the video, and the text just showing on black is so much better. I've worked on colour correction and i've found that setting the ambient light to a light charcoaly grey and the light to a faint steely blue look just awesome. Like, REALLY awesome. Going to pick up on small objects and give each one an individual faint light.

    Anyway, i'm still taking submissions, and i've found another audio contributor here :D and i'm awaiting replies from a couple more. It's mainly his quote un quote dubstep that i'm using, but it's not dubstep. More like ambient electronic. I really like it, and they could all make some nice videos.

    Oli out.
    #137 Oli The G, Sep 5, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2012
  18. Dax

    Dax Mhmm.
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    You got it. I should be able to get some games on my fileshare tomorrow. I'll let ya know when I do.
  19. SilentJacket

    SilentJacket Forerunner
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    I can has Trinity video?
  20. Dax

    Dax Mhmm.
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Ahh ok so I seriously had no idea how busy I'd be this schoolyear. My XBL ran out about a week ago and I've been running off trial codes lately since I haven't had the time to go to BestBuy yet. I finally got a few games last night with Shik and another friend for you Oli, but it turns out you can't put things in your fileshare with trial codes D:

    I hate asking you guys, but would anyone like to be super cool and get some 1v1/2v2/FFA games on the map and send the vids to Oli? That would help me out tremendously. If not then I hopefully should be able to go to Bestbuy sometime soon.

    Apologies for the inconveniences :/

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