What is the best way to make a completely flat floor in the Skybubble? In other words, how do you prevent players from doing that little "hop" when they walk over a crease between two objects? It doesn't seem to matter how I interlock the objects, the "hop" is still there, despite my various attempts to keep everything perfectly flat. On a seperate and somewhat less important note, the interlocked objects also flicker like crazy. It seems to have something to do with the way objects spawn on Sandbox, but I'm not sure. Any suggestions or advice? If someone has a link to a Skybubble map with a floor that avoids the "hop" issue, it would be greatly appreciated.
I was expecting something about using walls for floor and making them flat. Answer to that is: You don't The answer to your question: You don't. 2 boxes which are lined up exactly without any merging will result in a surface which will have a bump but it will barely be noticable during actual gameplay.
DMM. You're wrong on that first part. If you forge offline it doesn't mess up. You're right on part 2 though.
Actually, it's just been revealed: you have to be COMPLETELY OFFLINE. That means unplug anything connecting your 360 to the internet, then saving the map. After, you can go online with it. Credit goes to Kronos001, here.
I always forge offline. And I haven't tried walls yet (becuase of the things I've heard about their spawning issues, among other reasons). I've been using double and huge blocks. You may not notice the bumps during gameplay, but I certainly do. Another problem with just laying stuff next to each other is that grenades can get caught in the spaces or bounce off at random angles. Just download OctoDeath's "Excavation" if you want an example of how much a lack of interlocking can hurt the flow and gameplay of a map. This is the sort of thing I'm trying to avoid. EDIT: Thanks for the tip Kroonos and Therom.